Architecture: The Art of Integration


  • Marco Sala University of Florence


Sustainability, technology, energy, retrofitting, integration


Bioclimatic Technologies and sustainable design approach can be applied in the transformation of the natural and built environment at any operational scale. The application of bioclimatic technologies must complete with the conditions of the environment, in relation to the prevalent objectives to be achieved, such reduction of energy consumption, improving both winter and summer comfort, improving visual comfort and natural lighting, indoor comfort and indoor air quality, as well the sustainable use of water resources


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Author Biography

Marco Sala, University of Florence

Born in Pistoia, 21 June 1948, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at University of Florence at 1972. Researcher since 1975 at the University of Florence, he is in charge of Architectural Technology department” at the University of Florence since 1990. His professional activities and researches are focus on the energetic field of architecture and more specifically within the “Bioclimatic Architecture”, tending to optimise the relationships of architecture with climate fostering energy saving and in the framework of environmental safeguard. Promoter and secretary of International University Network TIA Teaching in Architecture for Sustainable Technologies in Architecture (Conferences in 95 and 97 in Florence, 2000 at Oxford). Member of the Committee of Bioclimatic at ISES Italy, the WREN (World Renewable Energy Network), Managing Committee of the PLEA (Passive Low Energy Architecture). Secretary and founder of the “Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca ABITA” (Bio-ecologic Architecture and Technological Innovations for the Environment) between the Universities of Florence, Milan, Genova, Rome, Naples, Naples II and Reggio Calabria and for improvement in energy saving technologies and technologiocal innovations in the environmental field.


Sala, M., Carta, A., 2013 Sustainable buildings in Mediterranean Area, Academic Press INC, S.Diego, CA. USA

Sala, M., Romano, R. Simoni, 2012 “Pareti verticali portanti e non portanti” in Piano, R. Almanacco dell’Architetto, F. Proctor Edizioni spa, Bologna

Sala, M. Alcamo, G., Murgia, S. 2007. The impact of different window configurations, natural ventilation and solar shading strategies on indoor comfort level in simple rooms, in Mediterranean area.. In: 2nd PALENC Building low energy cooling and advanced ventilation technologies in the 21st century, Creta, 27-29 Settembre 2007, pp. 22-25.

H.Mueller, M.Wilson, M.Sala, H.Coch, F.Allard, O.Sepannen (2007) Euleb - EUropean high quality Low Energy Buildings.




How to Cite

Sala, M. (2015). Architecture: The Art of Integration. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2(2), 34–49. Retrieved from


