
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Language: Manuscript is prepared in English language.
  • Author Information: Full names, e-mail addresses, ORCID iD’s and other affiliations of the authors are given in the Title Page properly.
  • Suitable for double-blind peer review process: There are no author names, acknowledgements or any other notes that can be provide information about authors included in the Manuscript file.
  • References: Both the in-text citations and the reference list follow the APA referencing system.
  • Signed by all authors (Cover Letter): The Cover Letter is properly prepared and contains the signatures of all authors.
  • The Title Page has been prepared according to its template, and uploaded as a .doc/.docx file.
  • The Manuscript Submission File has been prepared according to its template, and uploaded as a .doc/.docx file.
  • The Cover Letter has been uploaded as .pdf file.
  • The Similarity Report has been uploaded as .pdf file.

Author Guidelines

As of 10 July 2024, the following guidelines will be used to make a submission to our journal.

ICONARP implements 4 steps submission policy for authors in the New Submission process.

In the first step (1.Start):

Select "Submission language" as English. Articles written in any other language are not accepted.

Select "Author" in the "Submit as" section.

Tick ​​the boxes for "Copyright Statement" and "Privacy Statement" and click the "Save and Continue" button.

In the second step (2. Upload Submission Files):

There are four separate files that must be uploaded for make a proper submission.

  • Title Page 
  • Manuscript File 
  • Cover Letter 
  • Similarity Report 

Click "Add File" and upload the files by selecting the correct document types.

The Title Page and the Manuscript Submission File must be uploaded separately as MS Word files (.doc/.docx). The Manuscript Submission File is consist of a title, abstract, keywords and the main text including tables and figures and references in one single MS Word document. The Title Page file is a separate MS Word file that contains the author information and the acknowledgements/notes. Both files must be typed according to their templates.

The Cover Letter and the Similarity Report must be uploaded separately as .pdf files. The cover letter must contain the signatures of all authors.

More information about all of the files can be found below.

In the third step (3.Enter Metadata):

Enter the title of the article, abstract and author information only in English.

All authors should indicate their own ORCID iD in the Title Page, too. Registration for an ORCID iD can be completed from the website:

In the fourth step (4.Confirmation):

You may go back to review and adjust any of the information you have entered before continuing. If your submission has been uploaded is ready to be sent, click "Finish Submission".


Title Page:

Please click here to download the template of Title Page .

All the needed information about the authors should be included in this file separately in order not to harm the double-blind peer review process. After the manuscript’s title, full names, e-mail addresses, ORCID id numbers and other affiliations of the authors must be given in the Title Page.

The authors must type acknowledgements or notes, if any, in the Title Page also. Since acknowledgements and notes may provide information about the author, they should only be appear in the Title Page, in order not to impair the double-blind peer review process. If the manuscript produced from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation, please state that in the notes with the institution, year and title of the thesis/dissertation. If you have any other notes, please specify.


Manuscript File:

Please click here to download the template of the Manuscript Submission File.

Title of Manuscript:

The title should be brief, and informative about the study. Authors’ names, affiliations, e-mail addresses and any other kind of information about the authors must be included the Title Page only. No author information should be included in any way in the submission manuscript format.


Abstract must be contain 250-300 words. Abstract should be a concise summary of the subject of the study, the methods used and the main conclusions.


There must be a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 keywords that have been chosen carefully to ease the searches. Keywords must be aligned in alphabetical order and comma separated.


The article must contain a minimum of 6000 words and maximum of 7000 words. The headings must be in hierarchic order and numbered sequentially. In-text citations must follow the latest APA referencing system. Authors should avoid using footnotes and endnotes, if unavoidable, labels such as (1), (2) can be used and listed at the end of the page. Also, authors are suggested to control spell checking of the article.

Tables and Figures:

Tables and figures must be embedded in their correct places in the article, and numbered sequentially. Use single space before and after the figures, tables and descriptions of them. Figures, tables and the descriptions must be aligned in center. No frame should be used around the figures. All text inside the figures must be in English. There is no limitation for figure sizes. Figures and tables should be of appropriate resolution, no need for provide the images separately.


The references must follow the latest APA referencing system. References must be listed alphabetically. For details of APA Referencing Style Guide, please see:


Cover Letter:

Please click here to download the Cover Letter template.

The Cover Letter must be uploaded to the system at the submission stage as a separate .pdf document. The names and signatures of all authors must be in the Cover Letter. The Cover Letter should include a brief description of the study written by the authors. By signing the Cover Letter, the authors declare that the submission to ICONARP has been approved by all authors, that the manuscript is an unpublished and original work and it has not been submitted to, or is not in review process in another journal. The Cover Letter must also express "Conflict of Interest", "Financial Disclosure", "Ethics Committee Approval" and "Legal Public / Private Permissions".

Conflict of Interest:

Authors must declare any potential conflict of interest in the research. If there is no conflict of interest, the following statement must be written in the Cover Letter: “No conflict of interest was declared by the authors”.

Financial Disclosure:

Authors must acknowledge where applicable the source(s) of funding and describe the role of sponsors in the research. If a financial support was received from any fund while this article was being produced, it should be stated clearly where this support was obtained. If there is no support, the following statement must be written in the Cover Letter: “The authors declared that this study has received no financial support”.

Ethics Committee Approval:

If an ethics committee approval was required while this article was being produced, it should be stated clearly. A proof document for Ethics Committee Approval must also be uploaded to the journal system. If there is no ethics committee approval, the following statement should be written in the Cover Letter: “Ethics committee approval was not required for this article”.

Legal Public/Private Permissions:

The following statement must be clearly given in the Cover Letter in the research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group interview, observation, and experimental techniques: “In this research, the necessary permissions were obtained from the relevant participants (individuals, institutions and organizations) during the survey, in-depth interview, focus group interview, observation or experiment.”


Similarity Report:

A Similarity Report of the article must be uploaded at the submission stage. Plagiarism software such as Turnitin, iThenticate or can be used to obtain the report. The similarity rate of the article must be below 20% (including references).


Memory of Places


Rural Planning

Privacy Statement

Open Access and Transparency

Quality and transparency is at the heart of what ICONARP does. 

ICONARP has strongly adopted the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing set by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

This journal will NEVER:

  • Ask authors to pay a submission fee
  • Ask authors to pay an APC (article processing charge) for OA publication prior to acceptance
  • Publish works in exchange for gifts or money
  • Falsely claim to represent another person or entity
  • Use your data without consent.

This journal will:

  • Ensure your published paper is double-blind peer reviewed
  • Ensure accepted works are published, hosted and made discoverable via the ICONARP OJS platform
  • Assign DOIs to accepted work and preserve the published version of record via digital preservation archiving schemes (LOCKSS)
  • Act in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in dealing with matters of ethical misconduct.


ICONARP is an Open Access Journal which presents its content freely for online researches with the aim of contributing to the global exchange of knowledge. ICONARP believes that providing free online access ensures a wider spectrum of research base and reading rate to develop the related literature.    

Open Access (OA) provides unlimited access and reuse opportunities which make research publications freely available online. The open access therefore creates the network for reaching the widest possible audience, sharing the entire works and building upon them. The main goal of ICONARP is to contribute the culture of scientific publications in the field of Architecture, Planning and Design. 

ICONARP supports the definition of ''Open Access'' according to Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) which is:

Its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.