“You Know, We Live in Fear”: Transit Migrants with Their Neglected Disabilities in IstanbulKumkapı


  • Yasemin Çakırer Özservet Marmara University


Transit Migration, Neglected Disabilities, Kumkapı, İstanbul


When migrants are not able to reach their target country, they stop by in other countries on their migration route. Kumkapı area is one of the passing points for Europe targeted migration, which is home to long periods of waiting. This study will talk about the obstacles the international migrants go through in Kumkapı-İstanbul region; the immigrants who have left their home and try to keep their culture alive in a place they do not belong to. The obstacles these transit immigrants experience in an urban environment without the facility of making use of public and other services are reviewed with the ethnography method. Kumkapı area has been a transforming area since 1970's, and currently has a social mosaic that is filled with illegality and poverty. This region, which can be called an area of the excluded, has become an area that never gets visited by the other classes of the society.


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Author Biography

Yasemin Çakırer Özservet, Marmara University

Yasemin Çakırer Özservet is an urban planner and Assist. Prof. Dr. of Local Goverments at Faculty of Political Science /Marmara University, whose research interests are Transnational Migration and Urbanism, Child in the Urban Environment and Urban Design.


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How to Cite

Çakırer Özservet, Y. (2014). “You Know, We Live in Fear”: Transit Migrants with Their Neglected Disabilities in IstanbulKumkapı. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2(1), 20–36. Retrieved from https://iconarp.ktun.edu.tr/index.php/iconarp/article/view/48


