Energy Efficiency in Housing
Konut, Enerji etkinliği, Enerji etkin yöntemlerAbstract
In Turkey, 36 per cent of the total energy is consumed in heating, ventilating and lighting of buildings. On the other hand with efficient usage of energy, 25 per cent of total energy could be saved. At this point, construction sector is in a big responsibility in that energy situation that generally use fossil resources and causes big environmental damage. This article discusses methods that minimizes energy use of conditioning issues like heating, visual, air conditioning which are responsible of a big part of energy consumption. In result, that is understood, these methods could be used as design parameters without any cost increase in construction. Also, this work explains parameters of effective material selection that has a premier role on energy efficiency. In the use of that methods, there are responsibilities in every actor, especially designers, in construction industry .
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