Evaluation on Accessibility in Historical Environments in Turkey: Ankara Ulus Environment Example





Accessibility, Historical ulus city center, Historical environment, Historical buildings


Historical environments bear traces of the past and have cultural and historical importance. These places are essential to respect the past, understand history, and preserve cultural heritage. However, many historic neighborhoods face accessibility issues. Accessibility is a fundamental concept that refers to the ability of people to be present and participate effectively in any space. This principle has an importance that cannot be ignored in every academic discipline in its own field of specialization and there is a need to take this principle into account in all kinds of production processes. The most problematic spatial area for this participation to be ensured through universal access is the historical environmen which form a unique part of cultural identity with their characteristic structures and distinctive features. Therefore, accessibility is crucial to ensure the preservation of cultural heritage and the active participation of society in. Problems in these areas restrict access to these spaces for people with disabilities, pregnant women, people with strollers and the elderly, and have a negative impact on the visitor experience. In this study, the Turkish Grand National Assembly / War of Independence Museum located in Historical Ulus, the Turkish Grand National Assembly Museum, Is Bank Museum, Ankara Social Sciences University Campus, and Hacı Bayram Veli Mosque and its surroundings were evaluated. The evaluations were supported with visuals, according to the criteria specified in the Accessibility Guide prepared by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services. The study found attempts to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, but correct practices were largely absent. Issues such as dimensional errors, improper material selection and structural inadequacies were common. These problems are summarized in the evaluation section. This study aims to demonstrate that historical buildings can be made accessible by addressing access issues with solutions like tactile surfaces, markings, and ramps.


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Author Biographies

Şule Nur Altın, Gazi University

Şule Nur ALTIN born in 1992 in Ankara. She completed her bachelor studies in 2015 at the Department of Architecture, at International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and her master's study in 2019 at Gazi University on Ankara Hotel as a Part of Ankara Railway Station Complex and Proposals for Value-Based Conservation.

Mostly worked in the fields of Republican Period artifacts, station buildings and disabled accessibility. She continues her doctorate at Gazi University.

Hatice Elmas, Gazi University

Hatice ELMAS born in 1990 in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. She completed her bachelor studies in 2015 at the Department of Architecture, at International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and her master's study in 2020 at the Architectural Conservation Master Program, Anadolu University-Eskişehir, She now studies her doctorate in the Department of Architecture, at Gazi University-Ankara.

Can Güngör, Gazi University

Can GUNGOR born in Ankara in 1977. He graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Architecture, in 1999. He completed his Master's in 2002 and his Ph.D. in 2007 at Gazi University. From 2009 to 2023, he served as a Lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Gazi University and earned his Associate Professorship in 2023. Since August 2023, he has been the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. His expertise includes architectural design, accessibility, and universal design.


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How to Cite

Altın, Şule N., Elmas, H., & Güngör, C. (2024). Evaluation on Accessibility in Historical Environments in Turkey: Ankara Ulus Environment Example. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(2), 759–779. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2024.303


