Traces of Aydın Boysan’s Architectural Practice in an Industrial City: The Case of Kocaeli




Architectural design, Aydın Boysan, Industrial buildings, Industrial city, Kocaeli


Industrial areas within a city are one of the important components of urban memory, shedding light on the economic and social life, architectural design and building technologies of their era. However, modern research by architects on the industrialization process of Kocaeli, one of the most important industrial cities in Turkey, which has left important traces in the city, is insufficient. Leading architects of the period played an important role in the city's path to becoming an "Industrial City". Architect Aydın Boysan is a valuable professional who realized the pioneering architectural designs of his period in Kocaeli and made significant contributions to the city. Boysan, who designed many industrial buildings in Turkey, is the architect of four large industrial sites built in Kocaeli. These four buildings were not only important centers of production in their respective sectors for the country, but also unique representatives of modern architecture that was influential all over the world. It is an important responsibility of architectural historiography to bring these works of modern architecture, which shed light on an era, to the agenda and into the literature before they are lost. This study examines the structural, formal and functional characteristics of the facilities and their status today through Boysan's architectural identity and design approaches to industrial buildings. These facilities started operations in the 1960s, an important historical threshold in Kocaeli's transformation into an industrial city. Research on these representations of Boysan's unique modernist architectural style expands our knowledge about the production of the built environment for an industrial city and reveals traces of an important architect of the period.


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Author Biographies

Senem Müştak Sevindik, Kocaeli Üniversitesi

Senem MÜŞTAK SEVINDIK was born in Kocaeli in 1990. Graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 2013. Completed her master's degree at Kocaeli University in 2017 with the thesis entitled "Traces of the Vernacular Architecture in Apartment Designs in Turkey from Republic Period to the Present: The Case of Izmit Demiryolu Street". Received her doctorate in 2023 with the thesis entitled "Architectural Evaluation of Industrial Buildings Built after the Republic: The Case of Kocaeli (1923-1980)". Between 2014-2024, she worked as a research assistant at Kocaeli University, Department of Architecture. Currently, she works as an assistant professor at the same university. Her major research interests include design of industrial buildings, adaptive reuse, architectural design and theory, national and international architectural competitions and cinematic spaces.

Oya Şenyurt, Kocaeli Üniversitesi

Oya ŞENYURT was born in Istanbul in 1969. Graduated from Yıldız University, Faculty of Architecture in 1991. Completed her master's degree at the same university in 2002 with the thesis entitled "The Greek Architects and Their Influences in Istanbul: 1800 - 1950". Received her doctorate in 2006 with the thesis entitled "Modernisation of Structural Production and Formation of Contracting System in Turkey." In 2007, she was appointed as an assistant professor at Kocaeli University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture. Assumed the title of Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2017. Continues to work at the same university. Field of research is mainly Ottoman Architecture and Ottoman architectural organization.


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How to Cite

Müştak Sevindik, S., & Şenyurt, O. (2024). Traces of Aydın Boysan’s Architectural Practice in an Industrial City: The Case of Kocaeli. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(2), 638–666.


