Evaluation on Spatial Quality in Retail Stores through Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA)





Importance performance analysis (IPA), retail store, spatial quality


In today's world, where consumption is increasing rapidly, the designs of retail stores have gained importance with the increasing competition between institutions. One of the most predominant factors in the contact of the store with the customer is the spatial quality, which reveals the ability of the spatial features to meet user expectations. The study aims to determine the spatial quality indicators in retail stores and to expose the relationship between the importance and performance perception of these criteria among user groups. For this purpose, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), which has been a user-participated method and has powerful advantages in measuring service quality, was used in the study. In the first stage of the study, we determined the spatial quality indicators (functional, technical, and aesthetic) and sub-indicators by a literature review. The second stage is fieldwork performed in the determined study area, Koçtaş. At this stage, visual data of the study area was obtained, and 119 people (97 customers and 22 personnel) participated in the survey. In the third stage, IPA was used in analyzing the data. In the fourth stage, results were evaluated by supporting the visuals of the space. As a result of the study, the store was weak, especially in terms of aesthetic indicators, and significant differences were perceived by users between the importance and performance of spatial performance indicators. The study will lead up for research on examining the relationship between importance and performance in spaces with different functions by including the user in the process of determining and improving spatial quality.


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Author Biographies

Reyhan Midilli Sarı, Karadeniz Technical University

Reyhan Midilli Sari received her B.Arch, M.Arch and Ph.D. degrees at Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture in 2001, 2005 and 2009 respectively. Her major research interests focus on accessible and universal design, educational spaces, user satisfaction, post-occupancy evaluation, space and society. She carries out her academic and educational facilities as an Associate Professor at KTU.

İrem Bekar, Karadeniz Technical University

Irem Bekar is an interior architect. She has been Research Assistant at the Department of Interior Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University since 2019. She completed his undergraduate and graduate education at Karadeniz Technical University. Currently, Bekar is a PhD candidate at Karadeniz Technical University.


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How to Cite

Midilli Sarı, R., & Bekar, İrem. (2023). Evaluation on Spatial Quality in Retail Stores through Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) . ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 11(2), 941–959. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2023.271


