Investigating the Barriers to Implementation of Green Roofs in Izmir, Turkey
Green roofs, sustainability, qualitative research, barriersAbstract
As a sustainable approach to urban environmental management, green roofs are becoming more and more popular. They have been discovered to help reduce the urban heat island effect, insulating against noise and heat, managing stormwater, and eventually reducing climate change. Despite its established advantages and widespread use in most developed countries, green roofs have just recently gained popularity in the Izmir building sector. Izmir, a fast-growing city that may profit from green roofs, seems to have little idea of its potential. This study aims to determine the barriers to the widespread adoption of green roofs in Izmir. For this purpose, qualitative research was carried out and semi-structured interviews with government officials from different backgrounds such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and engineering were carried out to gather the primary data. Although there are prospects for the adoption of green roofs, the study revealed that these roofs are not common in the study region due to expense, technical difficulties, a lack of understanding, and standards. In light of this, it was also discovered that for the local sector to progress, government authorities must provide incentives and change regulatory settings to better promote the use of green roofs, while industry organizations must offer educational initiatives. Moreover, it is crucial to enhance technicalproficiency and conduct research related to green roofs’ proven benefits in the context of Izmir.
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