Urban Resilience Index Study on Ankara Metropolitan Area





Climate change, Decision support systems, Geographical information systems, Index studies, Urban resilience


Nowadays, urban planning, urban resilience, and climate change issues are discussed differently within the frame of developing and changing technological conditions. Studies on climate change, disasters, environmental data, and effective use of resources indicate that cities are responsible for exceeding their ecological limits. Cities are both the source of these problems and the most affected in terms of threats to urban residents and urban infrastructures. As a result of the uncertain and ever-changing risks brought on by urbanization and population growth worldwide that put pressure on cities in a variety of interconnected and complex ways perceptions of the preparedness and safety of cities are evolving. To manage these issues, new paradigms are needed. There is no consensus on the concept of urban resilience and methods for applying this concept in urban areas. In this research, how to create a relationship between existing approaches, theories, and practices in the field of urban resilience is discussed. The necessity to include resilience in numerical measurement techniques and planning applications and how these application methods will be operated was explained. In the process of creating a planning decision support system to ensure urban resilience, indicators that would provide input to measurement and index studies were researched, and new indicators were proposed. In this study, a formula for the urban resilience index was determined, and analyses that would provide input to the planning in Ankara metropolitan districts according to these indicators and urban resilience characteristics were put forward through geographic information systems. According to these studies, Gölbaşı was determined to be the district with the highest urban resilience index and Keçiören as the district with the lowest.


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Author Biographies

Şeyma Elif Dincer, Gazi University

She completed her primary and high school education in İstanbul. In the same year, she entered the Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning. She graduated in 2013 with the title of city planner. In 2013, she started his master's degree in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science, program of Urban Design. She graduated in 2016 with the title of master city and regional planner. She worked as city planner between 2013 and 2015. In 2022, she completed her doctorate at Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning with a thesis “Development Of Urban Resilience Index: A Case Study On Ankara Metropolitan Area”. She has written papers on urban planning and urban resilience. Her research interests include urban resilience, urban design, geographical information systems, electoral geography and transportation planning.

Özge Yalçıner Ercoşkun, Gazi University

She is a professor in the City and Regional Planning, Department of the Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. She graduated from the City and Regional Planning Department of the Istanbul Technical University in 1998. She completed her master’s studies in the Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies Department of the METU in 2002. She got her Ph.D. degree from the City and Regional Planning Department of the Gazi University in 2007. She has attended several national and international congresses; summer schools and workshops related to ecological urban planning and geographic information systems. She has written 4 books and more than 100 papers on sustainable urban design and ecological and smart urban planning, resilient cities, sustainable transportation and geographic information technologies. She worked as a researcher in many national and institutional projects. She has awards about sustainability and urban growth, sustainable tourism.


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How to Cite

Dincer, Şeyma E., & Yalçıner Ercoşkun, Özge. (2024). Urban Resilience Index Study on Ankara Metropolitan Area. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(2), 504–532. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2024.293


