Improving Indoor Air Quality with Natural Ventilation Methods: A Simulation Study




Buildings with atriums, Improvement proposals, Indoor air quality, Natural ventilation, Thermal comfort, Simulation software, IDA ICE


In modern life, strategies developed in line with the increasing energy demand cause many environmental problems on a global scale. One of the most important of these problems is inadequate indoor air quality. The most critical parameters affecting indoor air quality during the design phase are selecting wrong and unhealthy building products, insufficient window sizes, and unplanned natural ventilation. This study investigates whether indoor air quality can be improved only by effective natural ventilation methods, without compromising thermal comfort, through small changes that can be applied to buildings. For this purpose, simulation studies were carried out to reveal whether indoor air quality could be improved without compromising thermal comfort in a library building. As a result, when evaluating the improvement recommendations, the thermal comfort range for the cross-ventilation and chimney effect ventilation recommendations is 'comfortable' in winter and 'comfortable-partially comfortable' in summer. For the ventilation recommendations with roof wings, skylights and wind towers, the thermal comfort range for summer and winter remained in the "comfortable" range due to the high natural ventilation performance.


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Author Biographies

Caner Yetiş, Bitlis Eren University

Caner YETİŞ graduated from Karabük University Department of Architecture in 2018. He started his master's degree at Karabük University in 2019 and completed his master's degree in 2021 with a dissertation titled Determination of indoor air quality and suggestions for improvement in atrium buildings: Example of Kamil Güleç library' and completed his master's degree in 2021. In the same year, he started his doctoral education and his doctoral education continues.  He continues his studies in the fields of energy, indoor air quality, building materials and sustainability.

Merve Tuna Kayılı, Karabük University

Merve TUNA KAYILI graduated from Karabük University Department of Architecture in 2008. She started her master's degree at Gazi University in 2008 and completed her master's degree in 2010. Between 2011-2016, she worked as a researcher at Delft Technical University while doing her doctorate.  In 2023, she received the title of Associate Professor and continues her studies in the fields of energy efficient building design, building materials and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Yetiş, C., & Tuna Kayılı, M. (2024). Improving Indoor Air Quality with Natural Ventilation Methods: A Simulation Study . ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 1–23.


