Utilizing Orthophoto Through Adaptive Re-Use Courses in Architecture Education





Adaptive re-use, Architectural education, Distance education, Terrestrial laser scanning technologies


With the developing technologies, digital-based technologies and methods used in the field of architecture, as in every field, are increasing. This situation causes the methods used in architectural education to change. This study examines the use of terrestrial laser scanning technologies as a new method in adaptive re-use in the distance education process of architectural education. The aim of the study is to examine the use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning technologies in the adaptive re-use projects of architecture in the distance education process, by comparing it with the conventional method in face-to-face education process, to analyse whether it is an efficient method and to investigate its contributions, if any.  In the experimental study, it was tried to find the answer to the question of whether the use of orthophoto produced from terrestrial laser scanning technologies as a method within the extent of re-use historical buildings is an efficient method compared to the conventional method. Orthophoto images obtained from Terrestrial Laser Scanning technologies will be used in the project of re-use a historical building, and the conduct of the course in distance education will be investigated. In this research the comparative analysis method was used in 25 student projects were evaluated. In the analyses made, the average success scores according to the parameters, the most positive and negative aspects of the projects, the general evaluation of the projects were compared and interpreted in the findings section. According to the analyses, firstly, whether the orthophoto method is efficient compared to the traditional method was examined and then the efficient aspects were determined. It is thought that being able to access measurable, comparable, and high-accuracy data without going to the place is an alternative and useful method in the emergency distance education period. However, the application of site study and learning methods by practice is important for the development of the student's mastery of the process and should not be ignored. In future studies, it is foreseen that the research will lead to new discussions on originality, creativity, and the use of different 2D, 3D, and hybrid techniques and presentation tools in presentation formats, since each project is designed on the supplied ready-made bases.


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Author Biographies

Sibel Özden Omuzlu, Istanbul Technical University

Sibel ÖZDEN OMUZLU received her B.Arch. from Bahcesehir University in 2018. She worked on her M.A. at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in the Department of Computer Aided Art and Design. She continues her Ph.D. education at Istanbul Technical University Architectural Design Computing programme. Her research interests include, design methods, architectural education and computational design.

Bülent Onur Turan, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi

Bülent Onur TURAN graduated from Yildiz Technical University in 1999, completed his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in the field of Architecture. He works as an academic at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University since 2010. His research interests include, design methods, architectural education, digital design and fabrication and design informatics.


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How to Cite

Özden Omuzlu, S., & Turan, B. O. (2024). Utilizing Orthophoto Through Adaptive Re-Use Courses in Architecture Education. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 287–315. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2024.285


