Why Is There a Need for a Value-Based Zoning Application Method in Urban Areas in Turkey?





Equiproportion, equivalence, land readjustment, sustainability


In addition to the economic and social problems experienced due to migration from rural to urban areas in developing communities, there are also problems of 'physical settlement and use of property' in urban areas. After determining the needs for the solution of urban problems, it is necessary to "manage urban settlements and existing resources" in a fast, effective, accurate and sustainable approach. In this regard, the approaches implemented by central and local governments within the scope of the ‘11th Development Plan of the Republic of Turkey’, titled "Free Individual, Strong Society, More Democratic Turkey" published by the Ministry of Justice in 2021 are based on the perspective of 'individual rights and social reconciliation'. In addition, the importance of real estate property right, its strengthening and the need to use it without any problems were mentioned. In the process of ensuring the development of the 'zoning plan implementation in the Land Readjustment method' model including the sustainable, innovative and applicable qualifications for Turkey; Institutional level projects are produced by practitioners, users and academics. In this method/model development process, in the Land Readjustment (LR) method, it is important to 'pre-regulation and post-regulation equality of land value and protection of property rights' in the process of allocating zoning parcels to the property owner. In the phenomenon of sustainable urbanization, real estate is also the determinant of the social life of living in urban sociology in terms of 'problem-free use of property'. For this reason, innovative solution proposals are needed in cities where 'zoning planning and plan implementation processes will be carried out in a sustainable land management approach and interactively'.

In this study, the deficiencies and negativities encountered both in the legislation and during the implementation of the LR method currently applied in Turkey will be revealed; in this regard, the methods applied in the world and the 'appliance based on value equality' models will be examined. Taking into account the social habits regarding the use of property, an answer will be sought to the question of why it is necessary to switch from the area-based application (equiproportion) principle to the value-based application (equivalence) model in the LR method in Turkey.


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Author Biographies

Vuslat Salalı, Konya Technical University

Vuslat Salalı was born in 1974 in Konya. She graduated from Selcuk University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering in 1996. She completed her master's degree at Süleyman Demirel University, Department of City and Regional Planning in 2014. She currently has been studying for Ph.D. In Department of Surveying Engineering at Konya Technical University.

Şaban İnam, Konya Technical University

Şaban İnam was born in Konya in 1964. He graduated from Selcuk University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, with a bachelor's degree in 1985, a master's degree in 1989, and a doctorate degree in 1999. He is still working as an Assistant Professor at Konya Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Geomatics Engineering.

Mehmet Topçu, Konya Technical University

Mehmet Topçu is received his B.Arch,  MSc.  and PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from Faculty of Architecture at İstanbul Technical University.  He is currently working as an Associate Professor at Konya Technical University.  His major research interests include urban planning, urban economy, urban morphology, urban design, space syntax.


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How to Cite

Salalı, V., İnam, Şaban, & Topçu, M. (2022). Why Is There a Need for a Value-Based Zoning Application Method in Urban Areas in Turkey?. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(2), 640–659. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2022.219


