User Perceptions of Shopping Centres with Different Spatial Configurations
Consumption culture, perception, shopping centres, spatial configurationsAbstract
This is the first study in the literature investigating the effects of different spatial configurations (open, semi-open and enclosed) of the shopping centres on user perceptions. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of shopping centres’ different spatial configurations (open, semi-open and enclosed) on the perceptions of users, investigate current trends and predict likely designs for consumer-wise shopping centres in the future. Accordingly, the open-air Konya Bedesten Bazaar, the semi-open Forum Bornova Shopping Centre, and the enclosed Kule Site Shopping Centre were selected as sample areas. The study questionnaire was administered to 300 participants to determine the participants’ demographic characteristics, reasons for choosing and visiting the shopping centre, and shopping centres’ physical, landscape and sensory effects on the participants. According to the results of the data analysis obtained by the SPSS program, it has been determined that contemporary consumer is less interested in enclosed shopping places, longing for the traditional bazaar. In addition to the spatial configuration, traditional market images and local values were seen to be perceptually prioritized for consumers. In this context, it is very important that open-air shopping centres, which are a new trend for users, emulate the traditional features, establish a relationship with the open air and the environment, and use real equipment such as green-water element, urban furniture strengthens the perception of the city in shopping centres. In addition, the concept of "freshness" was specified as the most important sensory concept by the users. It is essential due to forming a basis for determining the likely design criteria for future shopping centres, creating spatial configurations and fictions according to user requirements, and future theoretical studies related to this. The study contributes to the literature by providing valuable insights for planners, architects, and investors in terms of user perceptions for future shopping centres.
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