Thermal Performance Evaluation of TIM Combined with Residential Windows in Different Climatic Regions in Iran
Transparent insulation materials (TIM), thermal performance, energy saving, daylight, residential buildingAbstract
Windows play a significant role in the increase and loss of heat from the building envelope and determine the quantity, quality, and distribution of daylight. A strategy that involves incorporating transparent insulating materials into a double-glazed window offers the potential to provide combined improvements in thermal and daylighting performance. The thermal properties of transparent insulation materials in windows depend on various factors, such as the type of insulation material, thickness, geometry and insulation structure, location, and orientation of the window, among others. The aim of this research is to optimize three criteria: "thickness," "location of transparent insulation relative to window layers," and "direction of the wall with transparent insulation of the building window." The goal is to minimize thermal loads and reduce energy consumption in residential buildings. To achieve this, a real model was selected, and Design Builder software was used to measure the "heating load," "cooling load," and the sum of these two loads as the "total thermal load" for all three criteria in three cities of Iran with different climates: Tehran (moderate climate), Ahvaz (warm climate), and Tabriz (cold climate). The results of the research showed that for the city of Tehran, 3-inch insulation in the middle of the double-glazed window and the south front is optimal. For the city of Tabriz, 5-inch insulation on the inner surface of the window and the western front is optimal. And for the city of Ahvaz, 3-inch insulation on the outer surface of the window and the eastern front is optimal. It is worth noting that the annual heating load and total annual heating load for all three criteria have the highest values in Tabriz city. Therefore, it is recommended to use HSNPS insulation in transparent windows to reduce energy consumption in Tabriz (cold climate).
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