Application of Digital Urban Memory Transmission Model for Sustainability of Cultural Heritage




Cultural heritage, digitization, sustainability, urban memory


In this study, a model for preserving and maintaining the memory value of cultural heritage was put forward and the application of the model was made in a designed digital environment.  The model can be applied in teaching, transferring and keeping the memory values carried by tangible and intangible cultural heritage values of the world. Digital Cultural Heritage Memory Model (DCHMM) aims to transfer and interpret the urban memories of the settlements to a wide audience on the web and thus raising awareness on the protection and maintenance of these values. The cultural heritage values of the sample villages selected for the application of the model are aimed to be realized with the participation of the interactive user in the transfer of verbal, written and architectural memory values, the interpretation in the asking questions and giving ideas section, and the success of the application in the questioning section. Nine historical buildings that must be preserved and transferred to memory in three settlements of Niğde with a common historical past and that stand out with a variety of building types with significant urban memory value were selected for the field study. To provide data for the digital environment that evaluates DCHMM’s applicability, the urban memory values (written-verbal-architectural memory elements) collected during the field study in the selected sample (three exchanged villages in Niğde- Yeşilburç Village, Uluağaç Village, Hançerli Village) were digitized according to the model’s information, participation and questioning sections. 452 users from different age and occupation groups made the application of the model in the web environment in a six-month period. The digitized values obtained as a result of the study were interpreted in line with the targets in the sections of the model, and the model was brought to the literature with its application.


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Author Biographies

İlknur Acar Ata, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Asst. Prof. Dr İlknur ACAR ATA received her Ph.D. in Department of Architecture at Faculty of Architecture and Design, Konya Technical University. She completed her master's degree in 2017 at Department of Architecture from the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University.  She has been working in the Architecture Department of Architecture Faculty at Nigde Omer Halisdemir University. Her research interests are the protection of historical and traditional settlement, cultural heritage assets, urban memory, architectural heritage, architectural conservation and studio teaching practice.  She has carried out academic studies on the documentation of historical buildings, their re-functioning, conservation education, digitization of cultural heritage assets by transferring their memory values.

Mehmet Emin Başar, Konya Technical University

Prof. Dr Mehmet Emin BAŞAR lectures on Restoration Project and History of Architecture at Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design as a Professor. He has received his doctoral degree in 1997 with his work on XII. XIII. Century Anatolian Minarets. He carries out studies on material deterioration, documentation studies, photogrammetry, historical environment.


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How to Cite

Acar Ata, İlknur, & Başar, M. E. (2023). Application of Digital Urban Memory Transmission Model for Sustainability of Cultural Heritage. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 11(1), 271–292.




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