Impact of Sustainability Transition in Moroccan Cities’ Identity: The Case of Benguerir
Moroccan green cities, sustainable transition, architectural identity, Morocco, BenguerirAbstract
Whether internationally or in Morocco, the construction industry is one of the world's most energy-consuming industries. Nationally, this sector is estimated to account for 33% of total energy consumption. In addition, the construction industry is one of the highest producers of GHG emissions. For these reasons, Morocco has taken steps to reduce the sector's impact on the economy and the environment. That's why the green sustainable cities trend has started in the last decade. Globalization trends and efforts to keep the concept of sustainability alive in a concrete city have brought along many conflicting choices. Moroccan cities are known for their strong identities due to the long process of shaping these cities throughout history. But new sustainability trends seem to introduce new colors that can strip them of their identity. This article is a research paper for the arid climate city of Benguerir, located in the South, one of the green cities of Morocco. Green represents a challenging context for implementing sustainability. This study reveals the different parameters of sustainability in cities, how important urban identity is, and how it can be perceived and discusses the transition and identity changes of cities. The case study exemplifies the Moroccan context, the reason behind the need for Moroccan green cities, the efforts of the government, and the problems green Moroccan cities may face when trying to preserve their identity. Benguerir is an example that has achieved various sustainability parameters and represents the policies of Moroccan green cities. The city can also represent upcoming challenges for cities in a similar context.
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