Determining Female Housing Users’ Housing Needs and Satisfaction Levels During the Pandemic
COVID-19, housing design, female housing user, user satisfaction, user needsAbstract
This study hypothesizes that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed housing users’ physical and psychosocial needs, and thus, their expectations of their residences. The study aims to determine what new needs housing users have and how satisfied they are with their residences. First, a literature search was conducted on residences and user needs and satisfaction. Second, surveys were conducted to identify the residential problems and needs of female users from Rize during the pandemic when people have been spending more time indoors since the preventive measures. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences and the results were expressed in figures and tables. The questionnaires were administered to female users, who are believed to be more responsible for household tasks than male users. Findings on users' residential use and satisfaction levels before and during the pandemic are presented in detail. In the last stage, the study made recommendations regarding the design of current residences and future ones based on the results. The survey results showed that participants had spent more time in their residences, used the rooms more often, performed different activities in the rooms, attached different meanings to their residences, and changed the norms regarding the use of the rooms since the pandemic. Depending on these changes, participants had new needs, made or considered making modifications, and encountered some problems during the process. The study aimed to develop design proposals for future residences by determining how the pandemic had affected current users and what new residential needs they had had since the pandemic began. In this study, the effects of this newly encountered process on residential spaces are revealed. In addition the results will contribute to the plans of new projects or existing residences.
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