Evaluation of the Lighting Energy Performance of Educational Buildings with BEP-TR Methodology: The Case of ERU Faculty of Architecture
BEP-TR, energy efficient lighting, educational buildings, artificial lightingAbstract
As part of energy efficiency and conservation measures, central and local governments have developed various action plans, international commitments, calculation models, regulations, standards, and certificates and arrangements. Building Energy Performance (BEP-TR), a national calculation method developed according to the conditions of Turkey, is one of them. With BEP-TR, the energy efficiency of the building is measured in existing or alternative situations. In public buildings, the issue of energy efficiency is vital in terms of being an example. In the framework of this study, the Faculty of Architecture of Erciyes University as an educational and public structure was selected as the study area. Lighting is essential in electricity consumption in public buildings, especially educational establishments. This study aims to guide the energy efficiency principles and lighting design on the axis of comfort-cost and consumption for all public buildings, especially educational buildings, by emphasizing that the concept of energy efficiency should be handled multi-dimensionally with its various layers. Current state data to measure using the BEP-TR will be assessed if the lighting is energy efficient, according to visual comfort needs. Lighting energy consumption values were recalculated by checking the alternatives, simulations, and visual comfort criteria developed concerning energy efficiency. With the revision of the lighting design, the amount of savings to be realized by the system that meets the requirements for visual comfort was calculated. While the improvements proposed in the study were handled under the title of the artificial lighting system, other parameters were kept constant. In improvements alternatives, while offering a physical and psychological enhancement for users, it also saves energy in public buildings and bring an ecological proposition to reduce the carbon footprint for nature. Considering the proposal in the context of comfort-consumption-cost and amortization. The calculation of how long the initial investment cost will be amortized with the amount of savings has been made using three different methods. The study shows originality in responding to the designer’s aesthetic concerns with the multi-dimensional inputs of energy efficiency.
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