A Spatial Configuration Oriented Control System as a Mobile App for Educational Facilities Design in Turkey





Educational facilities, feedback, interior design, spatial configuration


Facilities has decreased due to the developing technologies around the world. The main objective of this study is to offer an alternative solution in terms of architecture to the use of copy-type projects which are still used by the Ministry of Education in Turkey. In this direction, it is aimed to develop a software to make the spatial configuration of an educational structure in the design process controllable. In this study it is planned to design a feedback mechanism that architects can use in the educational structure design process. The data obtained as a result of expert interviews, examination of guidelines by the ministry and examination of existing types of projects with the space syntax technique were transformed into software language. As a result of analysis done, evaluations were presented in line with the obtained data and findings. Out of these a pre-notification mechanism was designed to be used in the design process of educational buildings.  The feedback system, which is defined as educational buildings in the current article, can be applied in different areas such as clinics, hospitals, shopping centres and university buildings in the next stages. By using the mobile application that is emerged as a result of the research, the designers will be able to identify problematic spatial relationships by providing data to the application at different stages in the process of designing an educational structure. Thus, it will be able to intervene in a timely manner based on the problems it detects.


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Author Biographies

Aslan Nayeb, Yeditepe University

Aslan Nayeb is an architect. He worked as a teaching assistant from 2016 to 2021 at the Department of Interior Architecture at Avrasya University, Trabzon, Turkey. Now, he works as an assistant professor at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. He completed his undergraduate education at Azad University in Iran and his master’s degree and Ph.D. education at Karadeniz Technichal University (2014-2021). He specializes in the field of spatial configuration, educational facilities design and architectural representation.

Cengiz Tavşan, Karadeniz Technical University

Cengiz TAVŞAN is an architect. He worked as researcher 1990 at the Department of Architecture at Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. Now, he works as an Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Karadeniz Technical   University. He completed his undergraduate education at Karadeniz Technical   University and his master’s degree and Ph.D. education at Karadeniz Technical University (1993-2000). He specializes in the field of architecture and form, history of modern architecture an historical buildings


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How to Cite

Nayeb, A., & Tavşan, C. (2023). A Spatial Configuration Oriented Control System as a Mobile App for Educational Facilities Design in Turkey. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 11(1), 371–396. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2023.246


