Architectural Distinctiveness of the 15th Century Ottoman Tombs in Skopje: Learning from the Recent Archeological Excavation




Skopje, architectural heritage, early Ottoman architecture, crypted tomb


Grave structures are architectural works reflecting the cultural accumulation, continuity and political power of societies. In addition, graveyards or necropolises and grave structures themselves, have an important contribution in shaping urban forms of cities. This article aims to evaluate the impact of crypted tombs (mezar odalı türbe), originating from the Kurgan culture of the Turks, in shaping the urban morphology of Skopje, as a Turkish city during the 15th century.

Crypted tombs, which are very few in the Balkan geography, are a type of tombs mostly built during the Seljuk and Early Ottoman periods. The rich architectural forms and local aesthetic qualities of tombs have attracted a lot of research attention. As a result, tomb typology was defined by classifying the tombs according to the architectural peculiarities such as plan, volume shape, roofing system and applied materials. For the purpose of this paper, available sources were examined and the typology for six crypted tombs of Skopje was prepared. In addition, the archive documents describing the immediate surroundings of the tombs were examined, and the confusion of information about the tombs was clarified.

After the definitions and typology of the tombs were determined, the locations of these tombs in the city of Skopje were defined, confirming the urban development approach applied since the Early Ottoman period.

This paper relies on the results of Archaeological Excavation and Research Project of the Pasha Yiğit Bey Tomb, which was done under the auspices of the Şarık TARA, in Skopje, during which three crypted tombs were found beside the previously known ones.

In this study, the tombs unearthed as a result of archaeological excavations are defined in the context of the 15th century Early Ottoman city structure. The crypted tombs found in Skopje are discussed for the first time in this study.


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Author Biographies

Ammar Ibrahimgil, Gazi University

Dr. Ammar İBRAHİMGİL, graduated from Gazi University Department of Architecture. He completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the Department of Restoration at the same university. After working as a restorer architect at Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for two years, he worked as a research assistant at Gazi University for six years. He has been working in Konya NEÜ Department of Architecture since 2018. He participated in various scientific research projects to identify and describe Ottoman artefacts in the Balkan countries. He has a double-author book titled “Rodos Adası’nda Osmanlı Mirası”.

Lana Kudumoviç, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Lana Kudumovic, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University in Istanbul, Turkiye. She holds Ph.D. in the field of architecture and urbanism at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research focuses on the preservation of built heritage. So far, she has participated in several international research projects and studies, as well as conferences, workshops and seminars.


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How to Cite

Ibrahimgil, A., & Kudumoviç, L. (2022). Architectural Distinctiveness of the 15th Century Ottoman Tombs in Skopje: Learning from the Recent Archeological Excavation. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(1), 221–243.


