Evaluation of Aluminium Production Waste in Building Material Production
Aluminum, baked building materials, Bayer process, bauxite residue, red mudAbstract
The production of aluminum is based on obtaining alumina from bauxite, which is also known as the "Bayer Process." However, waste that is enough to endanger the environment is released at the end of this process applied to obtain aluminum. In Turkey, red mud waste is released from Seydişehir ETİ Aluminum production facilities into the pond located within the settlements. Red mud, which creates a potential environmental problem, should be systematically eliminated. In the literature, there are hundreds of studies on this subject. However, it is observed that these studies will not accelerate the waste consumption process. The consumption of the waste as soon as possible will be possible by using it as the main raw material. In this context, using both the literature and the doctorate study of the manuscript's author, the methods for using the waste as a building material were discussed for the systematic consumption of it.
Accordingly, in the study, the physical (specific gravity, plastic limit, differential thermal analysis, etc.) and chemical properties (XRF) of the waste red mud were discussed together with the waste generation process starting with the Bayer process. Furthermore, the physical (specific gravity, water absorption, water vapor permeability, initial water absorption velocity), mechanical (compressive strength) of the building materials that could be produced by using the waste were also included in the study.
It was concluded that it was possible to produce a quality building material by using the waste as a raw material.
Research Limitations/Implications
Type the research limitations/implications of the paper here.
The study was limited to the mixing of red mud waste and pyroclastic rocks in certain proportions and their use as raw materials in the production of baked building materials by baking at different temperatures.
Social/Practical Implications
In this study, a solution method to a potential environmental problem was developed. Furthermore, a source of raw material was provided in sustainable building material production. Accordingly, a contribution can be made to the national economy with the building material that can be produced with local opportunities.
With the materials and joining methods used in the study, a production was made on a unique subject.
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