Career Barriers of Women Architects in the Construction Sector
career barriers, male-dominated structure of the construction industry, women architectsAbstract
It has been determined that the existing studies in the literature about women architects have remained in the background or ignored in the historical process, there are barriers they have encountered in the sector, their visibility in the sector is low and they have left the profession of architecture over time. However, it has been observed that it has not been investigated whether the career barriers that female architects encounter differ according to their career stages. The aim of this research is to fill the knowledge gap identified in this field in the literature and to reveal the career barriers faced by women architects.
Quantitative research method was used in this study and data were collected by questionnaire method.
It has been understood that the glass ceiling and sexist attitudes, which are among the career barriers of female architects, differ according to career stages.
The limitations of the research are that the participation of the participants in the research is based on voluntariness, contacting people through online platforms due to Covid 19, the research is carried out in a limited time frame and the opinions of the participants are limited to the questions in the measurement tools.
Within the construction industry, women architects face career barriers throughout their careers. Ensuring that more women architects take part in the construction sector will be an important step in reducing or eliminating such barriers. However, making individual efforts to prevent these barriers faced by female architects during their careers will not produce a real solution.
The research is considered important in that it has not been investigated whether the career barriers found to be faced by female architects differ according to career stages and in this context, this study is the first of its kind.
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