Turkey Experience in Urban Transformation
Sustainability, urban governance, urban negotiation, urban policy, urban transformationAbstract
This study focuses on the current situation and problems of urban transformation practices in Turkey, with respect to space, society, and policy. A number of field studies and surveys were conducted in the study area in Konya city in Turkey, with regards to the unity of space, society, and politics and were developed spatial strategies that ensure such unity.
The study consisted of two stages. In the first stage, the literature on the need for urban transformation in Turkey was reviewed based on experiences relating to space (land fragmentation, property rights, informalities housing), society (the coordination and participation processes), and politics (current legislation, actors and their roles, horizontal and vertical coordination, public interest, planning strategy, policy learning). In the second stage, a number of field studies (the status of the buildings, the building types, the land use status, the status of historical and cultural structures, the land to building ratio, the land fragmentation and cadastral status and surveys) were utilized within the scope of our analysis. The survey questions consisted of the problems and expectations of inhabitants and NGOs with respect to spatial, political and social aspects of the study area.
Based on the results of the current situation analysis and field survey, spatial strategies that provide the unity of space, society, and politics were developed for the study area.
Research Limitations/Implications
With respect to actors and their roles, this study focuses on two groups as representatives of the social structure. The other groups also should be involved directly or indirectly because of the multi-factor structure of the urban transformation processes.
Social/Practical Implications
Identifying the need, processes and problems related to urban transformation, based on the unity of space, society, and politics could have positive effects on sustainable projects.
This study is important with the development of spatial strategies with the participation and cooperation activities of the residents and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the basis of neighbourhoods in urban transformation.
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