Cittaslow Movement as a Tool to Strengthen the City Image: Case Study of Osmaneli (Bilecik)
Urban image, identity, cittaslow, OsmaneliAbstract
Intense urbanization movements, unconscious usage of energy sources, along with rural-urban migration based on various reasons and rapid population growth are the common problems of today’s cities. The natural results of such problems can be summarized as the emergence of environments that are naked of aesthetics, changes in the habits of urban-dwellers with regards to their life styles and cultures, along with the negative impacts on the life quality of people. With this study, it is aimed to analyze the suitability of Osmaneli town to be a part of the Cittaslow Movement through the questionnaires to be conducted, along with identifying the physical effects of participating in this movement on the development of Osmaneli’s urban image, and developing planning & design suggestions. The historical and natural landscape elements of Osmaneli surviving to date, along with its characteristics that strengthen the city image, are analyzed within the scope of the study. Field surveys have been carried out within the scope of the study method. In this direction, questionnaire study was carried out in order to detect the elements that bear the city image characteristics and brand value, while also measuring the participation and compliance rate of the public in case of becoming a part of Cittaslow Movement. A city that wants to join the Slow City Movement must meet certain conditions and undertake to provide others. Osmaneli settlement is in a lucky position in this context. Since it is a small settlement in Bilecik, it was not affected much by urban interventions and preserved its original texture. In addition, strengthening the city image of Osmaneli and increasing its tourism potential will provide economic development to the city. In this context, various determinations and suggestions have been developed and a tourism route has been created for the identity elements of the city.
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