Changes and Problems of Conservation in Ankara-Ulus Historical City Center: Koyunpazarı Slope and Atpazarı Square
Ankara, architectural heritage, Atpazarı Square, conservation, Koyunpazarı SlopeAbstract
In this study, the settlement located in Koyunpazarı Slope and Hisar (Atpazarı) Square, which has an important position in the Atpazarı-Koyunpazarı-Samanpazarı area, which is the oldest part of the Ankara-Ulus Historical City Center, was examined in a way to include Çengelhan and Çukurhan. With this study, it is aimed to determine the changes and conservation problems in the field and to give direction to the changes planned for the future in the area.
Analysis and evaluation studies conducted in 1998 have been repeated in the mentioned area. Research and surveys have been conducted on the number of buildings in the area, the number of floors, the physical conditions of the buildings, the number of sub-units, types of activities, ownership status, frequency of purchasing goods, types of transportation, spatial competence, infrastructure competencies and future expectations of the working population.
As a result of these studies, the changes and problems occurred in the period from 1998 to 2020 have been determined. It has been observed that there are serious changes in the area due to cultural tourism, as in all over the world and in our country. The infrastructural deficiencies are the main problems identified in the area. Furthermore, it has been observed that the traffic problem has not been solved completely and also some buildings need repair.
Research Limitations/Implications
The fact that the field of study could not be expanded due to the application of the survey questions in the field of study in 1998 constitutes the limitations of this study.
Social/Practical Implications
With this study, it is aimed to draw attention to the conservation of the historical environment in Koyunpazarı Street and Atpazarı Square, which is an important point of the Ulus Historical City Center, and to create a social awareness about the preservation of the area in question.
This study is significant as it discusses the conservation problems in one of the oldest areas of Ankara and aims to give direction to future changes in the field by formulating proposals for the solution of these problems.
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