



Daylight, traditional mosque design, interior space, daylight comfort



Daylight control and energy efficiency in architectural design is accepted as one of the main inputs of sustainable architecture. In the present study, we investigate the importance of light factor and daylighting design criterias as the construction technique of mosques improves by adhering to different periods.


Interior space designs of three different Mosques are displayed via plan sketches, therefore every mosque is evaluated particularly in summer term periods when users pray inside mosques in particular day and hour periods. In-situ evaluation results are tested by a luxmeter and comfort device. Each mosques’ technical plans are modelled in 3D programme. Measures are evaluated only when there is natural light inside.


The major design criterias and construction techniques stated in this study will give inspiration to builders to design praying halls which have perfect lighting performance with sacred sense of worshipping activities with full of serenity and concentration.

Research Limitations/Implications

Short-term and very limited in situ measurements were taken in Konya mosques due to pandemic precautions. Also evolved computational datas of DB programme are the main limitation of this study.


This study is the first to emphasise the importance and development of daylight in places of worship in the center of Konya, depending on the order of architectural design according to different periods. There are very few studies that examine the effect of daylight in worship places and its impact on construction and design. Daylighting in historic Islamic architecture can be further studied via simulation programme.


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Author Biographies

Ayşıl Coşkuner Pamuk, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Ayşıl Coşkuner Pamuk receives her B.Arch. from Mimar Sinan University major of Architecture Department and M.Arch. from Mimar Sinan University the Institute of Science and Technology, Building Physics and Materials Department in 2018. She currently works as a researcher on building materials and building physics in İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Department of Architecture. She is a PhD candidate in IZU, Department of Architecture.

İbrahim Agah Taştemir, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

İbrahim Agah Taştemir receives his bachelor’s degree at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Department of Architecture in 2017.He completed his masters at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Universit, Building Physics and Materials Department in 2020.  His research interests are building physics, energy efficient building design, thermal comfort, daylight in buildings. Currently he is working as Research Assistant at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Department of Interior Architecture, he is PhD candidate at Department of Architecture.

Ümit Arpacıoğlu, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Born in 1976, in Istanbul. Umit Arpacıoğlu receives his bachelor’s degree at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University at 2001, on the same year he began his career as a research asisstant in the Department of Architecture at MSFAU. He completed his masters and PhD thesis at the Institute of Science and Technology, Building Physics and Material Department. Since 2017, he continues his career as an associate professor doctor at MSFAU.


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How to Cite

Coşkuner Pamuk, A., Taştemir, İbrahim A., & Arpacıoğlu, Ümit. (2020). A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DAYLIGHT PERFORMANCE OF KONYA MOSQUES BUILT IN ANATOLIAN SELJUK AND OTTOMAN PERIOD. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 8, 102–123. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2020.145

