Bjarke Ingels (BIG), evolution, mutation, residential buildings, stepped pixelsAbstract
Ingels, who was influenced by Darwin, designs new mutants by developing prototypes. This study, it is aimed to scrutinize the public space alternatives proposed for the 21st-century city through the comparative analysis of the stepped pixelated buildings, one of the mutants of the architect. It has been how much questioned the stages, which offer a public space proposal, in the stepped pixelated buildings allow urban dialogue.
While Ingels' design philosophy constitutes the conceptual approach of the study, this study is prepared by using the architect's discourse, interviews, videos, digital texts, and literature studies. In this context, the repetitive examples that the architect defines as mutation and adaptation are classified. The stepped pixels in this classification are the main subject of this study. Ingels' pixelated buildings; Suitable human scale, the language of mass and form, relationship between human and space, the suggestion of space for experience, public space concept, dialogue spaces were discussed based on architect's approach.
Ingels went in the way of dividing the object through pixels when designing macro-scale structures. Thus, he made the big picture more understandable and perceptible. He tried to achieve the human scale with the gradual pixels rising from the ground level. In this way, Ingels' pixels buildings have transformed themselves into an experiential part of urban.
Research Limitations/Implications
These parameters were evaluated under four dwelling buildings of the stepped pixel in the case study (Lego Tower, Mountain Dwellings, King Street West, 79 & Park).
Social/Practical Implications
At this research, it is foreseen that the new living space suggestions consisting of stepped pixels designed by Ingels will undergo different mutations and come up with new urban alternatives in the future.
Pixelated dwellings, one of the mutations of Ingels, who constantly draws attention to the problem of not integrating the buildings into the city in today's architecture, have been analysed and evaluated in the context of urban alliterations. In this way, research, a first in its field is important in terms of opening to discuss the alternative urban living spaces proposed by the architect for 21st-century architecture in the contemporary architectural environment.
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Url-3: Lego House Images: Retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/880900/lego-house-big
Url-4: Lego Tower Images: Retrieved from https://big.dk/#projects-lego
Url-5: Lego Tower Images: Retrieved from http://files.archinect.com/uploads/ai/aiu_LegoHousingBIG.jpg
Url-6: Lego Tower Images: Retrieved from https://www.designboom.com/architecture/big-architects-yes-is-more-exhibition/
Url-7: Mountain Dwelling Images: Retrieved from https://big.dk/#projects-mtn
Url-8: Mountain Dwelling Images: Retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/15022/mountain-dwellings-big
Url-9: Mountain Dwelling Images: Retrieved from https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mountain+Dwellings/@55.6350579,12.5828625,14z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x465254baa9662891:0x812d83688f74c488!2sMountain+Dwellings,+2300+K%C3%B8benhavn,+Danimarka!3b1!8m2!3d55.63525!4d12.582917!3m4!1s0x0:0x1533b77107bf0ea3!8m2!3d55.6350579!4d12.5828624
Url-10: King Street West Images: Retrieved from https://big.dk/#projects-king
Url-11: King Street West Images: Retrieved from https://urbantoronto.ca/news/2016/04/bjarke-ingelsgroups-king-street-vision-detailed-consultation
Url-12: King Street West Images: Retrieved from https://urbantoronto.ca/news/2017/05/update-bigs-king-west-20-impresses-public-planning-less
Url-13: King Street West Images: Retrieved from http://kingtoronto.com/floorplansUrl-12
Url-14: King Street West Images: Retrieved from https://urbantoronto.ca/news/2020/10/excavation-setting-stage-rise-king-torontos-mountains
Url-15: 79 & Park Images: Retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/905534/79-and-park-big
Url-16: 79 & Park Images: Retrieved from https://big.dk/#projects-st7
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