
  • Mazlum Kalak Gazi Üniversity
  • Rana Karasözen Eskisehir Technical University



Public space, Private space, In betwen space, Traditional Housing, Siverek



Traditional houses are living spaces that the user shapes over time according to specific environmental factors and needs, which come together in a certain pattern forming some key parts of the traditional settlement texture. This pattern, which also reflects the local culture, is created by the relationships among the public, private, and intermediate spaces. The traditional Siverek architectural settlement is quite rich in such spaces. The main elements that form the urban pattern are the squares and streets that form public spaces, the houses representing the private space, and the in-between spaces such as texture-specific dead-end streets and archways that bridge these two types of spaces. However, due to the uninformed and miscalculated interventions in the original texture, mistimed protection measures, and failure to produce solutions for preservation, these architectural gems are at risk of extinction. At this point, two problems have been identified. The first is the preservation of the historical fabric. Another problem is the incompatibility of the newly planned areas with the old texture and housing layout. The purpose of this study is to provide guidance for new planning by analyzing the spatial arrangement of the traditional Siverek settlement.


In this context, from public spaces to residential private spaces, the spaces and their spatial relationships in the Siverek settlement plan were examined in a hierarchical order. The interrelationships among the spatial elements specific to the original texture of Siverek were discussed, and their status regarding their functional and spatial features in the urban texture were explained.


As a result of the study, it is stated that the traditional settlement texture and architecture of Siverek should be documented and preserved. Furthermore, considering the fact that the physical and social components that shape the spatial elements of the traditional fabric remain valid today, the need to transfer spatial formations and spatial hierarchies between public and private spaces to new designs on the settlement scale and building scale was emphasized.

Social/Practical Implications

It will serve as a guide for consideration in future designs of the city of Siverek, not by imitating traditional forms, but by analyzing spatial setup.


This study is the first study on the public and private space relationship in Siverek.


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Author Biographies

Mazlum Kalak, Gazi Üniversity

Mazlum Kalak received his MS degree from Anadolu University in the major of architecture. He currently works as a research assistant in the Architecture Department of Gazi University. He continues his education as a doctorate student in the field of Architecture.

Rana Karasözen, Eskisehir Technical University

Rana Karasözen received her MS degree from Anadolu University and Ph.D from Istanbul Technical University. She currently works at Eskişehir Technical University, Department of Architecture, as an associate Prof. of History of Architecture.


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How to Cite

Kalak, M., & Karasözen, R. (2021). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SPACES IN SIVEREK TRADITIONAL SETTLEMENT. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 9(1), 381–403.


