Changes in Apartment and Site Type Houses During Covid-19 Pandemic
Change in housing, Covid-19, housing, housing in pandemic, pandemicAbstract
The purpose of this study is to reveal the deficiencies and the space features that people who have to spend more time in their homes during the Covid-19 epidemic process.
This research was conducted during the coronavirus pandemic, when individuals had to stay in their homes, spend more time at their homes and get to know their homes better. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to 400 residents living in the apartment and site (multi-block apartment). The obtained data were evaluated in the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and the results were expressed in figures and tables.
The changes made by the users living in these residences in all spaces of the house (living areas, wet areas, night units, semi-open, open, etc.) and their evaluations for these spaces are presented in detail.
Research Limitations/Implications
The main limitations of this study are that residential users are directly included in the study process through questionnaires.
As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic in the world, architecture was affected by this situation, as in many disciplines, and people started to rearrange their lives by taking measures against the risk of epidemics. Measures have been taken all over the world to reduce the risk of transmission of the epidemic, and curfews have been implemented. In the discipline of architecture, the spatial fictions that have continued until this time have been questioned, and people have been drawn to their residences against the risk of infection by the virus. Streets, avenues and squares in the cities remained empty and public spaces (shopping mall, cultural centre, sports centre, etc.) became unusable. This process enabled individuals to analyse their homes better and people realized the features they needed regarding the spaces they lived in during this process. In this study, the effects of this newly encountered process on residential spaces are revealed.
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