Urban open space, Place attributes, Place satisfaction, Post-occupancy evaluationAbstract
The current article aimed to investigate the effects of functional, social, and perceptual performance dimensions of coastal open place environmental attributes on place satisfaction. In this context, it aimed to develop suggestions for increasing the place performance levels in order to improve the place satisfaction.
The general framework of the research design was determined by evaluating the functional, social and perceptual features of the place by the users (using post-occupancy evaluation method) and determining the place performance and place satisfaction. Survey questions within this scope; It is structured under two main headings: functional, social and perceptual features of the place and place satisfaction. Each item was measured on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Participants were randomly selected from the Arsin coastal park users. The surveys were conducted with 243 people on weekdays and weekends.
The study findings demonstrated that there was a positive and significant correlation between the spatial performance level and place satisfaction using the developed model. It was observed that the environmental factors that affected the place satisfaction included functional, social, and perceptual factors, respectively. It was determined that socio-demographic factors did not affect place satisfaction, while the frequency of occupancy had a positive impact on place satisfaction. Research Limitations/Implications
The present study focused on the functional, social, and perceptual dimensions of environmental properties. Thus, considering the diversity of environmental properties, it could not be claimed that the present study methodology and findings revealed all environmental dimensions that affect satisfaction.
Social and Practical Implications
In the present study, spatial performance data were obtained with post-occupancy evaluation and the factors that affected the satisfaction levels with Arsin Coastal Park (ACP) were investigated. Thus, the present study findings could be considered as very important for urban designers, planners, and administrators.
There are studies in the literature that evaluated urban open place satisfaction. However, there are no studies that investigated the effects of open place performance criteria on place satisfaction using the post-occupancy evaluation (POE) method.
Keywords: Urban open place, place attributes, place satisfaction, post-occupancy evaluation
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