Architecture, space, scent, spatial sensation, brand.Abstract
When talking about spatial sensation, it is assumed that spatial sensation does not only occur with the sense of sight, but on the contrary, remembering with the sense of scent occurs more and permanently. The aim of this article is to examine the place of the relationship between brand and remembering in memory through sense of scent in the example of Trabzon Forum Shopping Mall spaces and circulation areas. In this context, the aim of the study is to discuss the relationship between space and sensation-perception in terms of architecture and psychology disciplines.
Visual, auditory, smell and sometimes touch feelings come to the fore in shopping mall spaces. This study is aimed at investigating the predominant effect of the sense of smell. The research method consists of three steps: sniffing, survey and remembering. In the study conducted with a random group of 15 people, ambient odor samples taken from the stores were used. There are verbal questions and a marking section on the shopping mall plans in the survey.
According to the research data, all of the participants are of the opinion that the scent contributes to the space and its permanence in memory. However, although the users do their shopping mostly from shopping malls isolated from outdoor conditions, the first store that comes to their mind when asked the question is the store they frequently use. On the other hand, the scents of some stores have the same effect on many users, even if they are not customers of the store.
Research Limitations/Implications
The research was carried out at a local level and in a shopping mall. It can be done in a wider environment in future studies.
Social/Practical Implications
Fragrance is an important factor in memory and store scents are important for the customer to visit the store and remember the place. It contributes to the memorability and branding of the place. Originality/Value
The spatial experience offered through the senses paves the way for the relationship between space and brand. The sense of smell in spatial memory and branding is predominant than others.
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