Managing the urban change: A morphological perspective for planning




Morphological research, planning practice, morphological unity, part-to-whole relationship


This study questions the awareness of planners on the intrinsic qualities of the built environment in shaping of urban form in Turkey throughout a centennial period after foundation of Turkish Republic in 1923. It suggests a morphological framework, to develop such an evaluation, which is based on three basic principles: the historicity of urban forms, the hierarchical nesting of urban form elements, and their reconciliation within a complex interaction with each other in a part-to-whole relationship. It is regarded as an initial attempt to develop a brief discussion about a morphological perspective to be utilized in planning practice. It is asserted that the centennial development of planning practice in Turkey brought to light that the professionals lost their concern on the intrinsic qualities of urban form, on how it is evolved historically, and on how its elements are related to each other. They abandoned themselves to the relative ease of application of insensitive planning with high confidence on the decency and convenience of procedural functioning of planning. It reveals that there is a need for a morphological perspective that would take into account the morphological unity of urban form elements within their interplay in order to develop a responsive planning approach.


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Author Biography

Tolga Ünlü, Mersin Üniversitesi, Çiftlikköy Kampusu, 33343 Mersin, Turkey

Tolga Ünlü took his bachelor, graduate and PhD degrees at the Department of City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University. His research is focused on urban morphology, urban design and planning practice with a particular attention on urban growth and development of fringe belts, and on the relationship between research and practice in urban morphology and planning. Had articles and book chapters on physical development and planning history of Turkish cities as well as their morphological transformation. Has been working at the University of Mersin since 2006 as a member of the Department of City and Regional Planning. 


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How to Cite

Ünlü, T. (2019). Managing the urban change: A morphological perspective for planning. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 7, 55–72.