The knotting morphological phenomenon. Interpretation of the palaces for politics forming process in Italy
Processual reading, morphological knotting, palaces for politicAbstract
The article proposes the study of the phenomenon of architectural and urban “knotting”, which the author considers one of the most interesting in the formation of the modern city.
It consists in the transformation of a special serial organism (consisting of units repeated and substitutable among themselves) in an organic structure, where the elements are linked together by a relationship of necessity, through the formation of a nodal space.
In Italy this phenomenon is quite evident in the formation of new building types for public services, as in the case of the large post offices obtained by transforming existing buildings and then designed ex novo with the knotting idea, giving rise to some of the most important architecture of modern Italian architecture
The phenomenon is particularly evident in the formation of the different palaces of the Chamber of Deputies in Turin, Florence and Rome.
The proposal by Carlo Fontana appears very important, indicating a new polarity in the urban fabric, a double knotting that links the public space with the architectural organism. The project will not be executed but will remain in the deep memory of the plan being formed. Ernesto Basile, author of the project that will be realized, in reality continues, stiffening it, the idea of Fontana to continue the internal corridors as routes of an urban fabric overturned inside, which is knotted in the central hall.
After three temporary experiments obtained in the existing spaces, Basile designed ex novo the large assembly hall in a virtual processual way, as in an existing space to be transformed, designing the structure of an organism organized around a central open space "subsequently" knotted from a light metal cover.
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