Evaluation of Law no. 6306 on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk from Perspective of Public Spaces – Gezi Park Case


  • Sezen Tarakçı Istanbul Arel University
  • Aysun Hatice Özkan Istanbul Medeniyet University


public space, transformation law, Gezi Park


Throughout history, cities have offered a place for freedom and accommodated differences. Ideological and social developments have taken place in urban spaces where differences, different cultures and ideologies gathered together. Therefore, significant attention should be paid to public-oriented planning and design of urban spaces in the face of social segregation and disintegration experienced in cities. However, cities inTurkeyare mostly transformed under the pressure of international and national capital.

The most recent legal instrument governing urban redevelopment, the Law no. 6306 on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk contains quite controversial provisions relating to many paradigms. Its uncertainty over public property and public spaces, and the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning as the sole authority in this field leave all the public spaces at “risk”.GeziPark, a ‘saved’ public space in the backdrop of protests, is still exposed to risks of being stripped off its public nature.

This study browses through the literature on public spaces and urban redevelopment, while evaluating the Law no. 6306 on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk. It goes on to evaluateGeziParkevents, from the perspective of these experiences and the interviews conducted thereafter. The study concludes how actually the aforementioned Law may itself pose risks for our public spaces.


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Author Biographies

Sezen Tarakçı, Istanbul Arel University

Sezen Tarakçı, graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning in 2007. Her masters’ degree in 2010 in Bahçeşehir University, Institute of Science, Urban Systems and Transportation Management Program with a thesis entitled “The Analysis of The Interchange Centers As A Public Space Within The Scope of Public Interest – A Sample of Bağcılar Square Interchange Center”. In 2011 she started working as a research assistant and, since 2012, continues to work as an Instructor in Istanbul Arel University,Department of Architecture. Also she continues doctorate in ITU Urban and Regional Planning Phd Programme while have been studying her works on urban renewal/transformation and legal instruments.

Aysun Hatice Özkan, Istanbul Medeniyet University

Hatice Aysun Özkan, graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning in 2009. Right after, she received master ́s degree in 2012 from ITU Institute of Science by completing Urban Planning Master Programme. Currently, Özkan is holding the position of research assistant in İstanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and continues doctorate in ITU Urban and Regional Planning Phd Programme while have been studying her works on development law and land readjustment.


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How to Cite

Tarakçı, S., & Özkan, A. H. (2015). Evaluation of Law no. 6306 on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk from Perspective of Public Spaces – Gezi Park Case. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 3(1), 63–82. Retrieved from https://iconarp.ktun.edu.tr/index.php/iconarp/article/view/35


