The purpose of this research is to determine the seasonal agricultural workers' housing problems in Laçin Village in Eskişehir and to reveal the solvability of these problems through an architectural design studio.
The research includes two methodological sections. The first section consists of a review of the relevant literature to investigate the historical, legal, administrative and architectural issues on the housing problems of the seasonal agricultural workers. The second phase is based on a case study and a design studio process depending on that case study. The research was conducted in Laçin, to identify the characteristics of the housing problem in place. The data was obtained by observing, measuring, drawing, and photographing the existing housing. A survey was prepared and applied to the workers to gather data about the duration and the character of their stay.
It was determined that the seasonal agricultural workers in Laçin had some interrelated social, economic, and spatial problems. The duration of the stay excessing 6 months is found to be the main determinant of the life. In the light of these data, the type of housing of seasonal agricultural workers in Laçin was defined as a “new” typology. It is discovered to be neither temporary, nor permanent housing. It is found to be “semi-temporary housing”. In the research-based design process, the prominent design concepts for the “semi-temporary housing” type were identified from the local parameters and the existing user preferences. They are set as convenience, flexibility, sustainability, and being low-cost.
Research Limitations/Implications
The scope of the study is the sheltering problem of seasonal agricultural workers in Turkey. Therefore, it needs specifically to be determined and identified within local parameters. Social/Practical Implications
The study makes an existing problem visible through fieldwork and reveals that a social change can be provided by developing a physical design proposal.
The fieldwork and design studios are important sources of original knowledge production. The information generated in the field belongs to the place, and this data is articulated and adopted for the nine different design solutions.
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