A Restoration Criticism of Historical Buildings According to Thermal Comfort Conditions through Ali Gav Madrasah





Ashrae standard 55, conservation of historic buildings, integrated restoration, thermal comfort


Thermal comfort studies have been a subject of research since the 1930s. Thermal comfort conditions which are of great importance for human health, are also important for energy. Todays due to climate changing and a decrease in energy resources, there is a change in indoor thermal comfort conditions in historic and contemporary buildings. Thermal comfort conditions are the most important factors affecting the use of buildings. So places and spaces where thermal comfort conditions aren’t good are tried to improve to optimal.

The historical buildings constitute the majority of the city's building stock in addition to their original and aesthetic architectural qualities, the value for the city. From the planning to the construction process in historical buildings it is observed architectural plan schemes are shaped by considering various environmental and climatic factors such as sun and climate thus it can be said energy uses is taken into account. It is important to use historical structures and to re-function when they are not available with their original function. With re-use, the new details and additional applications that are applied can affect the thermal comfort properties of the building positively or negatively.

This study focuses on the thermal comfort properties that come with the restoration of a historic building. In this context, Ali Gav Madrasah which is located in castle borders in the historical city center of Konya in Turkey and restored with a contemporary additional feature that is considered worthy of being examined in terms of thermal comfort. Thermal analysis of the reconstructed Ali Gav Madrasah, which has undergone restoration through integration based on historical documents and excavations and has a top cover made of modern materials, was carried out in August 2018 and January 2019. According to these analyzes, today's thermal conditions are inadequate for all places in Ali Gav Madrasah of thermal comfort conditions. Comments are made on the connection of this insufficient thermal comfort with the restoration/reconstruction. From this point of view, Before the restoration procedures for historical buildings, required feasibility studies and necessary solutions about buildings thermal conditions are investigated. And then architectural details should be produced for this.


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Author Biographies

Mihrimah Şenalp, Konya Technical University, Department of Architecture and Design

Mihrimah Şenalp is a research assistant at Konya Technical University (Konya/TURKEY) in architecture
department. She graduated from Faculty of Architecture of Selçuk University in 2016. She is Phd student at Konya Technical University. Her research interests are architectural conservation and restoration, reuse of historic buildings, historical environment, protection of cultural heritage
thermal comfort of historic buildings.

Arife Deniz Oktaç Beycan, Konya Technical University, Department of Architecture and Design

A. Deniz Oktaç Beycan is an assoc. prof. in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Konya Technical University. She has articles and researches on key issues of architecture, restoration and history of architecture. She has been giving lectures at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Konya Technical University.


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How to Cite

Şenalp, M., & Oktaç Beycan, A. D. (2019). A Restoration Criticism of Historical Buildings According to Thermal Comfort Conditions through Ali Gav Madrasah. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 7(2), 385–409. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2019.91


