The Evaluation of Architectural Tourism Potentials of Greek Heritage Structures Remained after the Population Exchange in Niğde’s Settlements




Architectural tourism, Cappadocia region, Niğde, Turkish-Greek population exchange, Tourism potential


The population exchange between Turkey and Greece was decided in 1923 as a result of Lausanne Treaty. By this decision, non-Muslim Greeks living in Turkey and Muslim Turks living in Greece were mandatory mutual migration. The immigrants left their architectural heritage that was built with cultural, ethnic and faith values in the settlements where they were born and grew. Many religious structures (churches, monasteries, chapels), civil buildings (housing, education, health, trade, accommodation, social), technical and economic structures (mills, ovens, bridges, fountain) remained after Greek-Turkish population exchange in various regions of Turkey. Besides to being the witness to history each of the original heritage structures that reflect Greek immigrants’ economic, social conditions, cultural wealth and belief have architectural tourism potentials. Within the scope of the study, the architectural tourism potentials were evaluated by selecting the Uluagac Greek School, Fertek Church, Hancerli Laundry and Church Fountain as a sample among the different building groups located in the Uluagac, Fertek and Hancerli settlements located in Nigde/Turkey. The analyzes for the selected buildings were conducted according to the determinants of architectural tourism potential (architectural and environmental factors, targeted tourist).The data obtained from the analysis were synthesized architectural tourism with cultural, ethnic, religious and ancestral tourism and suggestions were developed.


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Author Biographies

İlknur Acar Ata, Konya Technical University, Konya

İlknur Acar Ata is currently continuing her PhD in Department of Architecture at Faculty of Architecture and Design, Konya Technical University. She completed her master's degree in 2017 at Department of Architecture from the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University. She has been working as a research assistant in Restoration Department of Architecture Faculty at Selçuk University since 2015. Her research interests are the protection of historical and traditional settlement, protection of cultural heritage, special topics about architectural conservation discipline and education appropriate to the architectural conservation discipline. Her research focuses on documenting and protection of structures remaining after the Turkish-Greek population exchange in 1923. Contact address: Selcuk University, Faculty of Architecture Building, Konya, Turkey. Email: 

Mehmet Emin Başar, Konya Technical University, Konya

Mehmet Emin Başar lectures on Restoration Project and History of Architecture at Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design as Associate Professor. He has received his doctoral degree in 1997 with his work on XII. XIII. Century Anatolian Minarets. He carries out studies on material deterioration, documentation studies, photogrammetry, historical environment and traditional texture. He has worked in the Cultural Heritage Preservation Board in several regions since 2006, and is currently working as an architect member in Ankara.


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How to Cite

Acar Ata, İlknur, & Başar, M. E. (2019). The Evaluation of Architectural Tourism Potentials of Greek Heritage Structures Remained after the Population Exchange in Niğde’s Settlements. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 7(1), 251–285.


