Effects on Students’ Perceptual Evaluations of the Wall Colors Used in Design Studios by the Virtual Reality Method
Design studio, Wall color, Perception, Virtual reality, Interior designAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the perceived quality of three modeled virtual design studios which have the same characteristics but different colors (warm, cool and neutral) and to determine whether there was a difference between the real space and the evaluations made in the virtual space. Accordingly, it was assumed that the wall coloring of the virtual studio space models that were modeled could affect the perceptions of the students and that virtual space evaluations would be in parallel with real space evaluations. To test the assumption, the study modeled the environments of three design studios with different colors assumed to exist at a design studio of the Selçuk University and students were asked to evaluate these virtual spaces with the aid of virtual reality goggles. As a result, it has been determined that there was no difference between the perceptual evaluations of real and virtual spaces designed with the same features. In addition, according to the spatial scale, it was determined that the cool colored space were perceived as “more roomy” and “more inviting” by the students compared to the warm colored space and that the cool colored space was also evaluated more positively for the social adaptation and individual productivity scales.Metrics
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