The Necessity of Integration of Flood Risk Reduction Strategies with Spatial Planning Decisions in Turkey, by Comparing Exemplary Practices in Developed Countries




Flood risk, integrated flood risk management, water basin planning and management, risk-based spatial planning, sustainability.


In recent years, floods have obtained a predominant position among natural disasters worldwide, due to their rising number of occurrence and negative impacts. Flood and flash flood events affected many places adversely and caused serious human and material losses in Turkey. The search for a solution related to this problematic issue has become the starting point of the research. Noteworthy factors that increase the risk of flooding in Turkey include the effects of global climate change, increasing number of urban areas, changes in landscape, wrong land use decisions, spatial planning approaches disregarding natural thresholds and the phenomenon of natural risk. In this context, spatial planning approaches are needed to reinforce settlements against flooding disasters and ensure sustainability. In this study, international conferences and approaches of developed countries (United States, European Union and Switzerland) to reducing flood risk were investigated. In this context, this study describes existing legal-administrative structures and practices for the solution of problems caused by floods in Turkey and examines their relationship with spatial planning studies. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that the key to success in all efforts to prevent damages to property caused by floods in Turkey is "the need for ensuring integration of such efforts with spatial planning decisions at all scales", by comparing exemplary practices in developed countries to those in Turkey. In this sense, suggestions are made in relation to the spatial planning regulations and to organizational structure based on the findings of the research in relation to the application in Turkey.


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Author Biography

Hale Mamunlu Kocabaş, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Hale Mamunlu Kocabaş received her BSc (1998), MSc (2001) and PhD (2009) degrees from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSFAU), Faculty of Architecture and Department of Urban and Regional Planning. She studied at ETH Zurich-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Departmant of Civil, Environment and Geomatic Engineering, in 2002-2003 (with Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships). She conducted her research studies under Prof. Dr. Willy Schmid’s supervision for her dissertation and attended to educational programmes at ETHZ, Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, during her stay between 2003-2004. She was the member of the Turkish National Delegation of ISOCARP- International Society of City and Regional Planners in 2006-2009. She has been working as a lecturer at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSFAU), Faculty of Architecture and Department of Urban and Regional Planning since 2000. Between 2000 and 2010 she worked as Research Assistant at MSFAU and since 2010 she has been working as an Assistant Professor at MSFAU. She currently gives courses on undergraduate and graduate levels at MSFAU. Her main fields of interest and research are; ecological planning, water basin planning and management, flood risk management and rural planning.


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How to Cite

Mamunlu Kocabaş, H. (2019). The Necessity of Integration of Flood Risk Reduction Strategies with Spatial Planning Decisions in Turkey, by Comparing Exemplary Practices in Developed Countries. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 7(1), 136–167.


