Thinking With Universal Design in Historical Environment
Universal design, accessibility, historical environmet, Bedesten Historical Site, KonyaAbstract
All sorts of values which are regarded as world heritage such as natural fields, monuments and sites under protection on a local scale are pieces of cultural identity and they are irreplaceable. The environment especially consists of historical structures have significant place in protection policies since they generally host daily life activities. Infact, meeting of social and cultural structures which societies have been figuring from the past with daily life turns into a resource for a sustainable future. However, it is generally impossible that those structures which have been constructed in their own terms can satisfy the needs of today. In our country where the balance of protecting-using is on behalf of the first one, the protection policies and protection regulations exceedingly limit the intervention to the natural environments. Wishing that historical structures are actualized into daily life on one hand and clamping down on accessing, visiting and utilizing those structures on the other hand leads to a serious discrepancy. However, the prominent examples which oversee the balance of protecting-using show that historical environments can be intervened through designing which will create or add values without compromising on protection. All sorts of interventions to be conducted consider the potential needs of the users withiout giving any harms to the originality of the structure. Thus, it is expected that every one can access the builtup area including the historical structures, products and services and information equally and under equitable conditions. For that reason, making the built-up environment accessible, visitable and utilizable through universal designing is one of the fundamental rights for the people who expand their daily living environment through accessibility and universal designing.
In this study, accessibility, visitability and utilizability of Bedesten (Covered Bazaar) Historical Site in the city of Konya are discussed through the theme of “Thinking through Universal Designing” and suggestions of designing are given in various scales (urban scale, street scale and structure scale).
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