Public Space and Accessibility
Inclusive design, design for the disabled, universal design, accessibilityAbstract
Virtually everyone experiences a physical disability at some time in their lives; that is to say that their mobility has been restricted. An infant, en adult with an injury, a parent with a pushchair, an elderly person are all disabled in one way or another. Those who remain healthy and able-bodied throughout their lives are few. The physical environment and public services and public spaces in general should be as barrier-free as possible to fulfil the needs of all people equally. People with a disability have the same rights as other people. People with a disability are not a homogeneous group. They may include the mentally retarded. The most important item for the disabled people is the possibility of circulation; namely accessibility. Inclusive and universal design approaches have to be considered especially for the public spaces and public buildings. In this paper, some main items of circulation in relation with accessibility have been detailed as well as a workshop study outputs which has been hold in Selçuk University, Department of Architecture.
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www. access date June, 2018.
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