Universal Design in Urban Public Spaces: The Case of Zafer Pedestrian Zone / Konya -Turkey





Universal design, disability, urban spaces, Zafer Pedestrian Zone, Konya


Individuals in society who have different requirements and needs (disabled people, elders, children, prengnant women, parents with strollers etc.) go through many difficulties while accessing urban indoor and outdoor services due to the constraints originating from built environment. Universal design is the design of the environment and the product that can be used by all the people. With it's inclusive and unifying characteristics, universal design has become a design approach that have been adopted by the academia during the recent years. Planning and organizing the urban spaces with regard to the universal design principles will contribute to an increase in the life quality of all the people who use the city. This article aims to evaluate the usage of urban spaces in Zafer Pedestrian Zone, located in Konya city centre, within the scope of universal design principles. The concept of universal design in the historical process, universal design's emergence process and it's principles and significances has been discussed in the theoretical infrastructure section of the article.

In the fieldwork section of the article, the suitability analysis of a chosen sample place's space usage have been carried out scrutinisingly under four chosen headlines, with regards to the universal design principles and standards.


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Author Biographies

H. Filiz Alkan Meşhur

H. Filiz Alkan Meşhur graduated from the Department of City and Regional Planning of Gazi University (1995), completed her MSc in City Planning at METU (1999), received PhD degree from the Department of Architecture of Selcuk University (2006). Currently, she is associate professor at the Department of City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Selcuk University, Konya. Her research interests are Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), suburbanization and housing areas planning, teleworking, disability, and universal and barrier free design.

Bilgehan Yılmaz Çakmak

Bilgehan Yılmaz Cakmak works at Selcuk University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture as an Asst.Prof.Dr. She got her B.Sc in 2002 in Süleyman Demirel University,  Msc in 2006 in Selcuk University and PhD in 2011 in Selcuk University on Architecture. She is interested in building design, accesiblity, pedestrian movements and user preferences. She has several courses about design, accesibility, marketting and communication in architecture.


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How to Cite

Alkan Meşhur, H. F., & Yılmaz Çakmak, B. (2018). Universal Design in Urban Public Spaces: The Case of Zafer Pedestrian Zone / Konya -Turkey. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6, 15–40. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2018.47