Successes and Failures in Urban Development of Ankara
Ankara, Urban Planning, Car-Oriented policies, Transformation, Urban SustainabilityAbstract
Ankara, the capital of Turkey, represents a modern model city built in the Republican period after 1923. The majority of the countries’ population resides in this city after İstanbul and political, social and economic functions are mostly clustered in the urban zone. After 1940s, the city changed dramatically. Its population grew enormously and the city expanded through conversion of agricultural lands in the west. In addition, political and educational developments produced a significant population of officials and students within the city. This paper focuses on patterns of settlement in Ankara from ancient times to today and explains these from developments in the urban planning perspective. It concludes that the global shopping malls and local transport- landuse policies together with the structure of housing market have directed the city to car-oriented sprawled development without an identity, encouraged the development of gated communities in the city. It concludes by posing the question whether this may change in the future and more mixed use can be expected.
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