The Evaluation of Trade Area Models and Analysis Methods for Site Selection from International Quick Service Restaurants’ Perspective




Trade Area Models, Site Selection, Quick Service Restaurants, Food & Beverages Industry.


International quick service restaurants (QSRs) have become a stand-alone sector due to their significant market share throughout the world instead of being considered under the food and beverage sector. The success of QSR site selection is directly related to land use and market potential estimation. This relationship has a significant influence on urban texture, identity and cities' development processes, given the high number of QSRs in urban spaces. Diverging from the current retail sector dynamics, the QSR sector brings to the table different needs in terms of trade area characteristics and spatial characteristics. In this respect, the aim of this research is to conduct an analysis on the site selection decisions of international QSRs and to establish a conceptual framework for an applicable model. Accordingly, first, the relationship between trade area analysis and site selection of international QSRs is examined. After that, trade area models of The Proximal Area Model, Reilly's Law of Retail Gravitation Model, Central Place Theory, Huff Model, Analog Model and Geographic Interdependence Model are discussed according to their competence of QSRs’ site selection. Then they are analytically evaluated within the framework of today's economic, social and spatial development variables. Finally, Regression Analysis Methods and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which are encountered in literature and used in practice are examined, and a new theoretical framework for a site selection model integrating Regression Analysis Methods and GIS is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Hanzade Kuğu Baş, İstanbul Technical University

Hanzade Kuğu Baş holds a bachelor’s degree (2004) in Urban & Regional Planning and a master’s degree (2006) in Landscape Architecture from Istanbul Technical University. She has been studying on Ph.D thesis  in Urban & Regional Planning in Istanbul Technical University. 

Nuran Zeren Gülersoy, İstanbul Technical University

Nuran Zeren Gülersoy graduated as an architect from Istanbul Technical University in 1974. She received her master’s degree and her doctorate in urban planning from the same University. Presently she is the professor of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at ITU Faculty of Architecture. Her primary areas of interest are urban planning, urban conservation and urban design. She is the member of ICOMOS National Committee, Council Member of Europa Nostra and Secretary General of IPHS (International Planning History Society).


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How to Cite

Kuğu Baş, H., & Zeren Gülersoy, N. (2018). The Evaluation of Trade Area Models and Analysis Methods for Site Selection from International Quick Service Restaurants’ Perspective. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6(1), 01–28.


