Analyzing the Concept of Place Attachment In The Context of Spatıal Factors: Kuzguncuk, Istanbul




Place attachment, urban design, place-making, sense of place, urban image



In contemporary globalised cities it has become increasingly important, for those of us who live in monotonous so-called cloned-environments, to find a sense of place we can identify with. When ties between inhabitants and places are disrupted, people are estranged from their neighbourhoods. As a result, not only people’s relations with places are harmed, but also their social relations are affected, leading to isolation, alienation and socio-economic disruption.

The causes of these relations are analysed through the concept of place attachment. Since the 1970s, research on place attachment has grown considerably. These studies are mostly focused on sense awareness and affectiveness, with the physical attributes of places accorded lesser attention (Lewicka, 2011). In a similar vein Christopher Alexander (et al, 1977) has asserted that, when studying place attachment, influences associated with human feelings only comprise ten percent of total influences, while the rest derive from the physical characteristics of places. And yet these are the least examined objects of study.

In this context, the aim of this paper is to examine more closely the spatial qualities of places in the formation of place attachment.  For the study, a long-established neighbourhood of Istanbul, Kuzguncuk, has been chosen to analyse the works of Christopher Alexander, Kevin Lynch, Jane Jacobs and John Montgomery. As a result, a matrix showing the spatial/physical qualities which have allowed the inhabitants of Kuzguncuk to develop a stronger attachment to their neighbourhood will be presented.


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Author Biographies

Dilek Özdemir Darby, Yeditepe University

Department of Architecture-Assoc.Prof.

Tuğçe Özata, Yeditepe Universıty

Departmant of Architecture-Res.Asst.


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Jacobs, J. 1961. Büyük Amerikan Şehirlerinin Ölümü ve Yaşamı, Vintage Books, London.

Jelly, E.S. 2013. A Study of Place Attachment, Master of Marketing Research Thesis, School of Management and Marketing, University of Wollongong (date of connection: 2016)

Lewicka, M. 2011. Place attachment: how far have we come in the last 40 years?, Journal of Environmental Psychology 31, pp. 207-320, Elsevier Press.

Lynch, K. 1960. The Image of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge.

Manzo, L.C. 2005. For Better or Worse: Exploring Multiple Dimensions of Place Meaning. Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (1), pp.67-86, Elsevier Press.

Montgomery, J. 1998. Making a city: Urbanity, Vitality and Urban Design, Journal of Urban Design 3, pp. 93-113, Taylor and Francis.

Uzun, C. N., 2001. Gentrification in Istanbul: A Diagnostic Study, Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskunding Genootschap, Istanbul.

Wolf, K., Krueger, S., and Flora, K. 2014. Place Attachment and Meaning-A Literature Review. In Green Cities: Good Health. College of the Environment, University of Washington (date of connection: 2017)




How to Cite

Darby, D. Özdemir, & Özata, T. (2017). Analyzing the Concept of Place Attachment In The Context of Spatıal Factors: Kuzguncuk, Istanbul. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 5, 18–29.