Musical Comfort Evaluation of The Natural Acoustics and Architectural Design of Three Performance Spaces in Kocaeli-Izmit
Acoustic comfort, Concert hall, Interior, Performance hall, Reverberation timeAbstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the auditory comfort level of Western art music performances performed in natural acoustic conditions in multi-purpose performance halls, which are widely preferred today, on the listener. In this context, first the reverberation time, one of the acoustic comfort parameters, is expressed and the Sabine formula, which is the empirical method used in the study, is explained. Subsequently, the table "absorptivity coefficients of various materials at different frequencies" is presented, as it will be used in the calculation of reverberation time, and the graph "recommended optimum reverberation time for volume-dependent speech and music" is presented to make comparisons at the end of the calculation. Then, information was given about the geometry of performance spaces and acoustic defects that may occur due to structural errors in closed volumes were explained. After explaining why this study was conducted in Izmit district of Kocaeli province, the selection criteria of the three selected performance halls were explained. After giving brief information about the historical background of each place, the reverberation time of the halls was calculated. As a result of the calculations, the acoustic comfort conditions of the halls in natural acoustics and when used for musical purposes are presented comparatively in the table, and it has been revealed that all three halls will not provide a suitable acoustic comfort experience to the audience. The improvement suggestions that can be made to ensure acoustic comfort during the Western classical music performance without the use of an electro-acoustic system are presented in tables for each hall.
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