The Role of Architecture Documentaries in The Adoption of Contemporary Design Approaches in Mosque Architecture: A Research on Architecture Students
Mass-media, Mosque design, Traditional-contemporary, Perception, Sancaklar MosqueAbstract
In the historical process, mosques have exhibited different architectural features depending on various factors such as culture, geography and construction techniques, and have generally been defined by elements such as domes and minarets. Although mosque architecture has maintained its characteristic features for many years, new design approaches emerged with the Republican Era. In mosque architecture, which has been reinterpreted from a contemporary perspective, elements such as domes and minarets have undergone formal changes and interior elements have been reconsidered. However, the traditional image of the mosque in the minds of the public has created a resistance to contemporary design approaches and modern mosque designs have become a current topic of discussion. This study was carried out to understand the role of architectural documentaries in the perceptual change regarding the adoption of contemporary approaches by determining the tendencies of individuals regarding mosque architecture. In the research conducted on architecture students, the documentary 'Sancaklar Mosque' broadcasted in TRT2's Eşik program was used. Following an experimental method, user perception was evaluated with questionnaires applied before and after screening the documentary.The results were analyzed with "Dependent Groups t-test" in SPSS and the statistical significance of the change in user perception was discussed. The findings of the study showed that architecture documentaries significantly changed architecture students' acceptance of contemporary mosque designsIn addition, after screening the documentary, it was determined that the perception that architectural elements such as dome and minaret can be included in mosque architecture in different forms was strengthened.The results obtained show that mass media can be used not only as a tool in architectural education, but also as a method for informing the society and adopting contemporary design approaches to mosques.
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