The Place of the Concept of Value in Architectural Space in User Perception: Cafe Example




Value, Consumption, Architectural space, Cafe


Although the definition and perception of architectural space change under the influence of transformations, the relationship and interaction between people and space have always maintained its existence. This relationship is established both functionally and semantically for the users of the spaces. Semantic relations bring about the creation of "value" between architectural space and people. Today, as a result of consumption-oriented lifestyles and culture, this situation is changing, causing the commodification of space and the weakening of relationships between people and space. Therefore, the value of space for humans has changed radically in terms of definition and meaning.

The study was conducted to determine the effect of the globalization process and the resulting consumer culture on the value of the architectural space. In this context, first of all, value definitions and concepts in different disciplines, especially architecture, are brought together. The created value model was applied to the users of cafe venues, which are considered the pioneers of consumption venues today, through a survey study. By analyzing the obtained data in the SPSS program, the factors affecting the value of the architectural space today were determined and their impact levels were revealed.

When the data were examined, it was seen that today individuals belonging to the consumption culture perceive and prefer places based on their consumption-oriented features rather than their aesthetic, functional or cultural features. According to the analysis results, the concept of belonging was ranked last in relationship levels, while business quality and subjective relationship titles were ranked first. When the results are examined, traces of the consumer society are seen in the context of users' spatial preferences and their relationships with space. It can also be stated that the consumption-oriented approaches of today's architecture and the users of the spaces mutually feed each other and ensure the continuity of this process.


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Author Biographies

Tolga Cürgül, Karadeniz Technical University

Tolga CÜRGÜL received his B.Arch. (2012) and M.Arch (2018) degrees at Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture. He continues to work as a research assistant at KTU Interior Architecture Department. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Architecture at KTU Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences.

Şengül Yalçınkaya, Karadeniz Technical University

Şengül YALÇINKAYA received her Bachelor's degree from K.T.U. Faculty of Engineering-Architecture in 2011, and her Master's (2015) and PhD (2011) degrees from K.T.U. Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture. She is currently working as a professor at KTU Faculty of Architecture. She continues her studies in the field of environmental psychology. She has publications especially on child users, health structures, and stress in space.


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How to Cite

Cürgül, T., & Yalçınkaya, Şengül. (2024). The Place of the Concept of Value in Architectural Space in User Perception: Cafe Example. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 125–143.


