Evaluation of Urban Renewal Projects in the Historical Texture Within the Framework of Passive Design Strategies; A Case of Diyarbakır-Suriçi Alipaşa-Lalebey Neighborhood





Climate-responsive design, Geographic Information System (GIS), Passive cooling strategy, Traditional Suriçi urban fabric


In the 21st century, contemporary architectural designs have often overlooked the interaction between constructed structures and their natural environment, neglecting to consider climatic variables as essential design inputs. This oversight, coupled with the rising threats of climate change and extreme weather conditions, has compromised the comfort and well-being of occupants within these spaces. A shift towards different design paradigms has become imperative to address these challenges and build a sustainable future. Diyarbakır traditional urban fabric has conserved its authenticity in social, cultural, and environmental contexts up to the present day. However, the migratory movement's social and cultural developments have disrupted the original fabric, resulting in deteriorating areas over time. This study focuses on the traditional settlement pattern within the historical Suriçi and Alipaşa-Lalebey Neighborhood, where the Urban Transformation Project was completed, was chosen as the case area. To analyze the changes in building patterns, spatial relationships, parcel configurations, and transformations in courtyard-street structures, Geographic Information System (GIS.)-based ArcMap software is employed. Digitized data, on-site observations, and photographic documentation are used to compare urban and neighborhood units in terms of climate-responsive design strategies and passive cooling systems. This study underscores the importance of incorporating climate-responsive design approaches from the past while utilizing contemporary technological advancements, emphasizing the significance of technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which contribute to energy conservation and time efficiency during the reconstruction processes. The findings of this study demonstrate that alterations in building patterns, shifts in solid-empty relationships, and changes in street patterns not only lead to the loss of cultural heritage but also hinder the transmission of numerous geographically specific design approaches to future generations.


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Author Biographies

Sevilay Akalp, Gazi University

Sevilay AKALP is an architect and university lecturer. She completed her master's degree at Dicle University in 2018 and is currently pursuing her Phd in the Department of Architecture at Gazi University. Currently works as a Lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Harran University. Major research interests include computational design, energy analysis modelling and sustainable building design.

İdil Ayçam, Gazi University

İdil AYÇAM is an architect and university lecturer. She received her MSc and PhD in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at Gazi University. She is currently working as a professor at Gazi University and serves as the head of the Architecture Department. Her major research interests include green buildings, energy-efficient design, and sustainable building design.


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How to Cite

Akalp, S., & Ayçam, İdil. (2024). Evaluation of Urban Renewal Projects in the Historical Texture Within the Framework of Passive Design Strategies; A Case of Diyarbakır-Suriçi Alipaşa-Lalebey Neighborhood. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 339–367. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2024.287


