Hansen Re-Visited: Alternative Methodology for Istanbul Land Use Pattern





Urban development, population distribution, Hansen modelling


In this paper, Hansen model applied to Istanbul districts and increasing the distribution of the population of 3 million were calculated. Istanbul, population and income growth, the service sector, based in the city's development as a result of advances in transportation and telecommunications, the restructuring of the city, and this encourages residential, commercial and office create opportunities for investments. Land-use decision-making process is a very complex includes site selection. Estimates of population growth, starting from the development potential on the one hand, depending on the location of the settlements, and the physical, socio-economic, legal and political characteristics of the functional needs of the city overlaps with each other to create the most effective form is required. In addition, the sub-centers produced a gradual effect of the interaction and the environment as a result of a lot of alternatives for the purpose of evaluating the size of the new centers and, instead, may be decided taking into account the dimension of time. Thus, the development of the whole city and the economic development of the system to provide the most effective when planned. By investing just as it is today, at certain points, and the creation of high-quality urban services bringing the speculation, raising the quality of life of city-wide, but can provide a healthy socio-economic development.


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Author Biography

Kerem Yavuz Arslanlı, Istanbul Technical University

Dr. Kerem Yavuz ARSLANLI is currently employed at Istanbul Technical University Institute of Social Sciences.  He has been worked at ITU Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center  2002-2012. His PhD titled “Spatially Autoregressive House Price Index Model for Istanbul Metropolitan Area” won AREUEA 2009 Doctoral Session Grant. He worked at University of Alicante Institute of International Economics in 2010 and Cass Business School Dept. of Finance in 2011. .After completion of his PhD, he has started to give lectures, “Real Estate Finance” and “Urban Transformations and Real Estate Sector”, at İ.T.Ü. Real Estate Development Master Programme.  He has academic articles in international/national journals and several conference papers in international conferences.  He has been a member of the board of directors of the European Real Estate Society (ERES) and President 2016-17, the leading real estate research and education organisation in Europe. (www.eres.org)


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How to Cite

Arslanlı, K. Y. (2016). Hansen Re-Visited: Alternative Methodology for Istanbul Land Use Pattern. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 4(2), 58–80. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2016.7


